cjmamo / kafka-web-console

A web console for Apache Kafka (retired)
Apache License 2.0
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Compilation failed #6

Closed skvorec closed 10 years ago

skvorec commented 10 years ago

Good day! I got following error when start:

[kafka-web-console] $ start [info] Compiling 28 Scala sources and 2 Java sources to /home/vyacheslav/git-repos/kafka-web-console/target/scala-2.10/classes... [warn] /home/vyacheslav/git-repos/kafka-web-console/app/kafka/consumer/async/ConsumerFetcherManager.scala:50: imported `PartitionTopicInfo' is permanently hidden by definition of object PartitionTopicInfo in package async [warn] import kafka.consumer.PartitionTopicInfo ............... [error] [error] last tree to typer: Literal(Constant(play.api.templates.Html)) [error] symbol: null [error] symbol definition: null [error] tpe: Class(classOf[play.api.templates.Html]) [error] symbol owners: [error] context owners: anonymous class anonfun$f$1 -> package html [error] [error] == Enclosing template or block == [error] [error] Template( // val <local $anonfun>: , tree.tpe=views.html.anonfun$f$1 [error] "scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0", "scala.Serializable" // parents [error] ValDef( [error] private [error] "_" [error] [error] [error] ) [error] // 3 statements [error] DefDef( // final def apply(): play.api.templates.Html [error] final [error] "apply" [error] [] [error] List(Nil) [error] // tree.tpe=play.api.templates.Html [error] Apply( // def apply(): play.api.templates.Html in object index, tree.tpe=play.api.templates.Html [error] index.this."apply" // def apply(): play.api.templates.Html in object index, tree.tpe=()play.api.templates.Html [error] Nil [error] ) [error] ) [error] DefDef( // final def apply(): Object [error] final [error] "apply" [error] [] [error] List(Nil) [error] // tree.tpe=Object [error] Apply( // final def apply(): play.api.templates.Html, tree.tpe=play.api.templates.Html [error] index$$anonfun$f$1.this."apply" // final def apply(): play.api.templates.Html, tree.tpe=()play.api.templates.Html [error] Nil [error] ) [error] ) [error] DefDef( // def (): views.html.anonfun$f$1 [error] [error] "" [error] [] [error] List(Nil) [error] // tree.tpe=views.html.anonfun$f$1 [error] Block( // tree.tpe=Unit [error] Apply( // def (): scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0 in class AbstractFunction0, tree.tpe=scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0 [error] index$$anonfun$f$1.super."" // def (): scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0 in class AbstractFunction0, tree.tpe=()scala.runtime.AbstractFunction0 [error] Nil [error] ) [error]() [error] ) [error] ) [error] ) [error] [error] == Expanded type of tree == [error] [error] ConstantType(value = Constant(play.api.templates.Html)) [error] [error] uncaught exception during compilation: java.io.IOException [error] File name too long [warn] two warnings found [error] two errors found error Compilation failed

skvorec commented 10 years ago

This is no more actual for me, because on another host it works.