cjmartin2 / OneWarmCoat-android

One Warm Coat Android app
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New Pickup Request Spec #17

Closed aphexcx closed 10 years ago

aphexcx commented 10 years ago

We're getting rid of the notion of "pickup date". This is a necessary pivot in order to support our more dynamic vision for volunteer/donor interaction. In plain english, it's so that a volunteer can pick up your donation at any time, simply by notifying you in advance. This also obviates the need to get acceptable pickup dates from the charity.

The new flow is as follows: Donor:

  1. Drop pin, create pickup request.


  1. Tap pin to get detail. "Accept this request?"
  2. If yes: Notify user. This pin is hidden from other volunteers until the acceptance flow is resolved.


  1. Receive push notification. "A volunteer/ is in your area to pick up your donation within the next hour! Is the donation ready to be picked up?" YES/NO
  2. If yes: Resolve volunteer acceptance flow as successful. If no: Resolve volunteer acceptance flow as unsuccessful.


  1. If acceptance is successful: Request is now assigned to this volunteer. If acceptance is unsuccessful: Request stays unassigned. Continues to appear as a request on the map.
tam07 commented 10 years ago

we should be more flexible. In a real world scenario, donors usually cant put out their stuff within the hour(they might be at work). We should designate a pickup date as the date after a volunteer chooses a pickup(ANY time tomorrow)

For 4/30: Instead of a push notification, an email or text message should be sent in case the user has disabled push notifications for this app. When the volunteer accepts a pickup, that marker should just change to red. Upon completion, it should change to green.

After 4/30: after pickup acceptance, the marker should not only change color, but be visible only to the volunteer and donor. It will be invisible to other volunteers. If that donor is also a volunteer he/she will still be able to see it. push notification will also be sent after a volunteer chooses a pickup

cjmartin2 commented 10 years ago

Moved to Asana