Open cjmling opened 5 years ago
script for searching issues on github when doing google search.
This script is meant to be used in tempermonkey chrome plugin.
NOTE: alot of code in this script is unused and need to be removed/refactored. I'm just too lazy.
// ==UserScript== // @name New Userscript // @namespace // @version 2024-05-07 // @description try to take over the world! // @author You // @match* // @require // @icon  // @grant none // ==/UserScript== (function() { 'use strict'; var existSerps = []; function onArrival(selector, callback, interval, limit) { console.log('onArrival'); interval = interval || 1000; // Default wait time is 1 second. limit = limit || 10; // Default number of attempts is 10. var el = document.querySelector(selector); if (el != null) { console.log('!el'); if (callback != null) { console.log('callback'); callback(el); } } else { if (limit > 0) { console.log('limit > 0'); setTimeout(function() { onArrival(selector, callback, interval, limit - 1); }, interval); } else { console.log('Element not found!'); } } } // Wait 5 times, 1 second at a time, for the input element to arrive. onArrival('textarea', function(el) { console.log('Google Search Text : ' + el.value); // Search Github startSearch(el.value); }, 1000, 5) async function startSearch(search) { console.log('startSearh'); var serps = await searchGithub(search); rankSerps(serps); if (serps.length == 0) { iterateSearch(search) } showSerp(); } async function iterateSearch(search) { await splitSearch(search); } /** This function will divide our search string into half and half and half and goes on And then search github with that divided half. **/ async function splitSearch(search) { var searchArrays = search.split(" "); var halfs = splitHalf(searchArrays); var serps = []; // This mean either one of them is already empty string, so too short , lets no more query if (halfs[0].length >= 2 && halfs[1].length >= 3) { var str1 = halfs[0].join(' '); var str2 = halfs[1].join(' '); if (search == str1 || search == str2) { return; } serps = await searchGithub(str1); rankSerps(serps); serps = await searchGithub(str2); rankSerps(serps); iterateSearch(str1); iterateSearch(str2); return; } } function splitHalf(searchArrays) { var leftSide = searchArrays.splice(0, Math.floor(searchArrays.length / 2)); var rightSide = searchArrays; return [leftSide, rightSide]; } function rankSerps(newSerps) { let found = false; if (!existSerps) { existSerps = results; } newSerps.forEach(function (newSerp) { existSerps.forEach(function (existSerp) { if ( == { found = true; existSerp.score = existSerp.score * 1.5; } }); if (!found) { existSerps.push(newSerp); } }); console.log('Ranking Serps done'); } function sortSerps() { console.log('Sorting serps'); existSerps.sort(function (a, b) { return b.score - a.score; }); } async function searchGithub(searchText) { console.log('Searching github : ' + searchText); // insertResult('Searching github : ' + searchText, false); var results = await $.ajax({ url: ""+searchText+"+user:cjmling" }); // insertResult('Found : ' + results.items.length + ' result', false); return results.items; } function showSerp() { // insertResult('Finishing Serp Process', false); var serp = ''; if(existSerps.length == 0){ serp = "<h2>-- NO GITHUB ISSUES FOUND --</h2>"; } console.log('Found ' + existSerps.length + ' results'); existSerps.forEach(function(item){ serp += `<div style="border-bottom:1px solid #EEE"><h4><a href="${item.html_url}">${Math.floor(item.score)} : ${item.title}</a></h4><p>${item.body.substring(0, 100)}</p></div>`; }); insertResult(serp, true); } function insertResult(text, prepend) { console.log('insertResult'); var targetElement = $('body'); if (targetElement.length === 0) { targetElement = $(".rhsvw"); } if (targetElement.length === 0) { targetElement = $(".rhscol"); } if (targetElement.length === 0) { targetElement = $("#center_col"); } if (targetElement.length === 0) { console.log('Target Element Not Found'); } targetElement.prepend('<div style="position: absolute; right: 0; top: 100px; z-index: 9; border:1px solid #EEE;padding:10px;width: 550px; background-color: #000 ">'+text+'</div>'); } })();
@match in header is important, script will run only on those page.
script for searching issues on github when doing google search.
This script is meant to be used in tempermonkey chrome plugin.
NOTE: alot of code in this script is unused and need to be removed/refactored. I'm just too lazy.