cjohansen / juicer

A command line tool for JavaScript and CSS developers
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Cache buster works with Font Awesome files #73

Closed mystvearn147 closed 10 years ago

mystvearn147 commented 10 years ago

Cache buster works with Font Awesome files

Adding md5 cache busters to Font Awesome (http://fontawesome.io/) results in urls that are broken. This pull request fixes this. I can now run unmodified font awesome css files through juicer.

This could also be fixed by modifying the original css files but maintenance would be easier for me if I could use the original files.

I tested this also with hard and soft cache busters and they work. Using rails cache buster, nothing is added to the url, it uses the original url. Is this expected?


../font/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=3.2.1 ../font/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=3.2.1


../font/fontawesome-webfont.eot?v=3.2-jcb5ae23ad29b67289a1375d2043e289c52.1 ../font/fontawesome-webfont.eot?#iefix&v=3.2-jcb5ae23ad29b67289a1375d2043e289c52.1

Expected result

../font/fontawesome-webfont-jcb5ae23ad29b67289a1375d2043e289c52.eot?v=3.2.1 ../font/fontawesome-webfont-jcb5ae23ad29b67289a1375d2043e289c52.eot?#iefix&v=3.2.1

cjohansen commented 10 years ago

Thanks, released as 1.1.1.