cjolowicz / nox-poetry

Use Poetry inside Nox sessions
MIT License
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Troubles with package with local dependencies #783

Open Georacer opened 2 years ago

Georacer commented 2 years ago

Hello there!

I'm having a hard time with the particular configuration of my project. Here's what I have:

├── src/my_package/
│   ├── some_code.py
│   ├── a_subrepo/
│       ├── src/a_subrepo/
│       │   ├── some_more_code.py
│       ├─ another_subprepo/
│       ├── pyproject.toml
├── pyproject.toml

my_package is a python package set-up with https://github.com/cjolowicz/cookiecutter-hypermodern-python. a_subprepo is a python package made with a bare poetry init and added to my_package with poetry add src/my_package/a_subprepo. The same deal with another_subprepo. It was added to a_subprepo (from its root directory) with poetry add another_subprepo.

The two subprepos are git submodules and I'd prefer to keep it that way, for faster development.

Now, I'm at the root directory of my_package and poetry install find the sub-repos as expected:

> poetry show
another_subrepo   0.1.0 src/my_package/a_subprepo/another_subrepo Another Subackage description
a_subrepo         1.0.0 src/my_package/a_subprepo               A Subpackage description.

The dependencies can be imported in the code and run just fine. But opening a nox session does not work:

❯ nox -s pre-commit         
nox > Running session pre-commit
nox > Creating virtual environment (virtualenv) using python3.8 in .nox/pre-commit
nox > poetry export --format=requirements.txt --dev --without-hashes
nox > Session pre-commit raised exception RuntimeError('line 60: \'another_subrepo @ file://<abs_path_to_another_subprepo>; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"\': Parse error at "\'python_v\'": Expected stringEnd')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/packaging/requirements.py", line 102, in __init__
    req = REQUIREMENT.parseString(requirement_string)
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyparsing.py", line 1955, in parseString
    raise exc
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pyparsing.py", line 3814, in parseImpl
    raise ParseException(instring, loc, self.errmsg, self)
pyparsing.ParseException: Expected stringEnd, found 'p'  (at char 130), (line:1, col:131)

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox_poetry/sessions.py", line 68, in to_constraint
    requirement = Requirement(requirement_string)
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/packaging/requirements.py", line 104, in __init__
    raise InvalidRequirement(
packaging.requirements.InvalidRequirement: Parse error at "'python_v'": Expected stringEnd

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox/sessions.py", line 695, in execute
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox/_decorators.py", line 68, in __call__
    return self.func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox_poetry/sessions.py", line 43, in wrapper
    function(proxy, *_args, **_kwargs)
  File "/home/<user_name>/Dropbox/<user_name>/Projects/Avy/performance_models/noxfile.py", line 122, in precommit
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox_poetry/sessions.py", line 292, in install
    return self.poetry.install(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox_poetry/sessions.py", line 147, in install
    requirements = self.export_requirements()
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox_poetry/sessions.py", line 227, in export_requirements
    constraints = to_constraints(self.poetry.export())
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox_poetry/sessions.py", line 90, in to_constraints
    return "\n".join(_to_constraints())
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox_poetry/sessions.py", line 86, in _to_constraints
    constraint = to_constraint(requirement, line)
  File "/home/<user_name>/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/nox_poetry/sessions.py", line 70, in to_constraint
    raise RuntimeError(f"line {line}: {requirement_string!r}: {error}") from error
RuntimeError: line 60: 'another_subprepo @ file://<abs_path_to_another_subprepo>; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"': Parse error at "'python_v'": Expected stringEnd
nox > Session pre-commit failed.

And indeed the offending line in the requirements.txt file is

another_subrepo @ file://<abs_path_to_another_subrepo>; python_version >= "3.8" and python_version < "3.11"

I fear that pip does not support local dependencies, but I can't be sure; I find it weird, because pip install <path_to_another_subrepo> works just fine.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

jooh commented 1 year ago

I had the same issue and Poetry 1.3.1 solved it for me. I think the root cause was a missing space before the semi-colon as in https://github.com/pypa/packaging/issues/529