cjones17 / MoviePredictionJava

Movie Prediction App Done in Java
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Mapping for Generic Networks #1

Open callumjones17 opened 5 years ago

callumjones17 commented 5 years ago

Creating a generic network isn't difficult unless we start making it complicated. How do we know where each of the layers connect to? For example, 5 inputs, goes into a 3 layer network. Typically they would all go to the next layer, well lets say 1 goes to first, 3 to second and 1 to the last?

Maybe a boolean is required for whether or not the first layer shouldn't just have all connections or not. Maybe another array for each of the layers?

callumjones17 commented 5 years ago

Sadly this is a good solution for the first layer only. We probably now need an array of Booleans, and Array of ArrayMaps for each Layer that is customised.

callumjones17 commented 5 years ago

Regarding the First Issue: Boolean is 1to1, then need a list to point how many to each node (index)

Regarding the Second Issue (not fully Resolved): Need boolean CustomRouting and List of the currentLayer, which has a list of the previous layer to sum up.