cjoshmartin / elevator-simulation

Final Project for Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing class (HC12 Assembly Programming)
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LED's #13

Closed HoldenWright closed 6 years ago

HoldenWright commented 6 years ago

The LEDs should indicate what floor the elevator is on in real time. Each LED represents a floor. When the elevator is in motion, one LED should travel from right to left when the elevator is moving up and from left to right when elevator is moving down. When the elevator reaches the desired floor, the LED should blink until another floor is selected. If secret mode is activated, the elevator goes in ghost mode and all LEDs are turned off. In addition, if the emergency shut off is activated, the LEDs should repeatedly blink on and off until the user enters the Admin password.

cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago


Indicate what floor the elevator is on in real time. Each LED represents a floor.

User Stories:

cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago

Maybe I could just get started with making the sequences

cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago
; NEEDS A varable called `stateofelevator` to work right
; TODO:  I could just use a 1 8 bit variable and set `1` on the floors I need to go to

    xdef blink,blinkloop
    xdef sec2, sec1
    xref stateofelevator, port_t, port_s

going_up_sequence       dc.b    $01, $02, $04, $08, $10, $20, $40, $80
going_down_sequence     dc.b    $80, $40, $20, $10, $08, $04, $02, $01
blink_sequence          dc.b    $FF, $00

lenghtofdelay   equ     50000

;   ldab #0          
blink:       ldx #blink_sequence ; alternates between fully on and fully off
             ldab #0
             clr stateofelevator  ;Each time it goes to the blink sequence, it will clear the stateofelevator

blinkloop:   cmpb #2
             bge blink ; resets the blinking
             ldaa 1,x+ ; moves through the blink_sequence
             staa port_s; displays it to the led
             jsr Delay
             ldy stateofelevator ; this will need to change beacuse this should be if a floor has been selected
             cpy #1
             bge state_of_t ; if greater then 1 check to see of it should move up or down
             bra blinkloop

state_of_t: ldaa stateofelevator 
            ldab #0    ; Loadx clears B which I use for counting
            cmpa #1 ; if stateofelevator is less or equal 1 it will start blinking
            blo blink
            cmpa #2 ; if stateofelevator is equal 2 it will start the going_up_sequence
            beq  sec1           
sec2:       ldx #going_down_sequence ; and reloads the sequence into x

;------------------------- LOOP 1 -------------------------------    
whi: cmpb #8; checks to see if (B >= 6)
       bge blink ; if true, go to "loadx"

       ldaa 1,x+ ; else move through the array 
       INCB     ; and increment B
       staa port_s  ; store the values of A to the LEDS
       jsr  Delay; adds a delay of 500 ms 
        ;cmpa port_t
        ;bne state_of_t 
       bra whi  ; LOOP
 ;----------------------- LOOP 2 --------------------------------

      sec1:ldx #going_up_sequence 
      whil: cmpb #8; checks to see if (B >= 5)
       bge blink ; if true, go to "loadx"

       ldaa 1,x+ ; else move through the array 
       INCB     ; and increment B
       staa port_s  ; store the values of A to the LEDS
        jsr  Delay; adds a delay of 500ms
       ; cmpa port_t
        ;bne state_of_t
       bra whil  ; LOOP
;------------------------- DELAY----------------------------------

Delay: pshb
      ldab  #10
outer:ldx   #lenghtofdelay
loop: dex
      bne loop
      DBNE b,outer
cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago
;* This stationery serves as the framework for a              *
;* user application. For a more comprehensive program that    *
;* demonstrates the more advanced functionality of this       *
;* processor, please see the demonstration applications       *
;* located in the examples subdirectory of the                *
;* Freescale CodeWarrior for the HC12 Program directory       *
; Include derivative-specific definitions
            INCLUDE 'derivative.inc'

; export symbols
            XDEF Entry,port_s, ddr_s, port_t,stateofelevator
            ; we use export 'Entry' as symbol. This allows us to
            ; reference 'Entry' either in the linker .prm file
            ; or from C/C++ later on

            XREF __SEG_END_SSTACK, blink      ; symbol defined by the linker for the end of the stack

My_Constant:        section
port_s          equ     $248
ddr_s           equ     $24A
port_t          equ     $240
going_up_sequence       dc.b    $01, $02, $04, $08, $10, $20, $40, $80
going_down_sequence     dc.b    $80, $40, $20, $10, $08, $04, $02, $01
blink_sequence          dc.b    $FF, $00

lenghtofdelay   equ     50000

My_Variable:    section 
stateofelevator ds.b    1

My_Code:     SECTION

;------------------------- Setup ------------------------------------  

      lds #__SEG_END_SSTACK
      ldaa #$FF ; Flushing the LEDs
      staa ddr_s; Loading the flush
      clr stateofelevator
      jsr blink
cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago
                XDEF stepper_motor

                    XREF port_p_ddr,port_t,port_p
                    XREF direction, is_open_or_closed, LED
                    XREF flag

                    XREF stepper_delay, stepper_flag
                    XREF should_led

val ds.b 1
highorlow ds.w 2
DelayCount ds.w 1

clockwise_seq: dc.b $0A, $12, $14, $0C, $0
counterclockwise_seq: dc.b $0C, $14, $12, $0A, $0

        ldaa direction
        cmpa #0
        beq led_blink
        ldaa is_open_or_closed
        cmpa #1
        beq nope

        movb #3,flag

        ldaa direction
        cmpa #$2 ; if equal to 2 it will send vals in to x
        beq clock
        cmpa #$1 ; if equal to 1 it will send vals1 into x
        beq counter

Delay:  ldaa stepper_flag
        cmpa #1
        CLI ; had problem with interupt flag not getting reset
        beq Delay

       LDAA 1,x+
       cmpa #$0
       beq increment
       STAA port_p
       movb #1, stepper_flag
       bra Delay

increment:  inc should_led

            ldaa should_led
            cmpa #8
            bne nope
led_blink:   jsr LED
            movb #0,should_led

nope:  rts

;alternate from clock wise to counter clock wise
       ldx #clockwise_seq ;clock wise
       bra again

       ldx #counterclockwise_seq ; counter clock wise
       bra again