cjoshmartin / elevator-simulation

Final Project for Microprocessor Systems and Interfacing class (HC12 Assembly Programming)
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Keypad #6

Closed cjoshmartin closed 6 years ago

cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago


The primary way that the user provides input.

photo of keypad

Keybindings (On the keypad):

User Stories:

cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago

Helpful files

cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago
    xdef pressed, keypad

var_a ds.b 1
var_b ds.b 1
pressed ds.b 1
port_t equ $240
ddr_s equ $24A
port_s equ $248
port_u equ $268
ddr_port_u equ $26A
psr_port_u equ $26D
pde_port_u equ $26C
SEQ: dc.b $70,$B0,$D0, $E0
var1: dc.b $EB, $77, $7B, $7D, $B7, $BB, $BD, $D7, $DB, $DD, $E7, $ED, $7E, $BE, $DE,$EE, $00

 bset ddr_s, #$FF ; used to intiliaze the LED display
 bset ddr_port_u, #$F0; used to intiliaze the hex keys
 bset psr_port_u, #$F0
 bset pde_port_u, #$0F
 bclr var_a, #$FF ; intiliaze the variables
 bclr var_b, #$FF
 bclr pressed, #$FF
 bclr port_s, #$00
 clr pressed
looop2: jsr looop1 ; subroutine for my loop.
 brclr var_a, #$FF, move;
 bclr var_b, #$F0
 ;stab pressed

move: bclr var_b,#$0F
 orab var_b
 stab var_b
 bset var_a,#$FF
 bra looop2;

Delay: PSHX
 LDX #1000
DLoop: DEX
 BNE DLoop

looop1: ldx #SEQ ; load the sequence in to x

next: ldaa 1,x+ ; load one, and incrament it by x
 beq looop1 ; if equal then branch

 staa port_u ; display the value

 jsr Delay ; my delay counter
 ldaa port_u ; load value from port_u in to a
 staa pressed ; store that value in pressed
 anda #$0F ; checks if the button is pressed or not; uses logical anda to make check if

 cmpa #$0F ; compares whats in a to this memory value
 beq next ; if they are not eq

; ldaa port_u ;load port_u
; anda #$0F ; use logical and operator to check if it is pushed or not
; cmpa #$0F ; compare to the same value.
; bne up ; branch up if equal

 ; look up table
 ldy #var1; ; load the look up table with the table
 ldab #0 ; set up incrament
redo: ldaa 1, y+ ; incrament after each time through
 beq looop1; ; if equal it loops up
 incb ; if not equal incrament b.
 cmpa pressed; ; compare if it is or isnt
 bne redo ; if not equal you redo
 decb ; decrement to set b back to orginial value
cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago
;* This stationery serves as the framework for a              *
;* user application. For a more comprehensive program that    *
;* demonstrates the more advanced functionality of this       *
;* processor, please see the demonstration applications       *
;* located in the examples subdirectory of the                *
;* Freescale CodeWarrior for the HC12 Program directory       *
; Include derivative-specific definitions
            INCLUDE 'derivative.inc'

; export symbols
            XDEF Entry, _Startup, main
            ; we use export 'Entry' as symbol. This allows us to
            ; reference 'Entry' either in the linker .prm file
            ; or from C/C++ later on

            XREF __SEG_END_SSTACK
            XREF pressed, keypad      ; symbol defined by the linker for the end of the stack
port_s equ $248        
begin: lds #__SEG_END_SSTACK ;used to intiliaze the stack
runner: jsr keypad
 cmpb #$0F
 beq pressedf
 cmpb #$0A
 beq presseda
 cmpb #$0B
 beq pressedb  
 bra runner

 pressedf: ldab #$FF
           stab port_s
           bra runner

 presseda: ldab #$FA
           stab port_s
           bra runner

 pressedb: ldab #$FB
           stab port_s
           bra runner

endprogram: nop
cjoshmartin commented 6 years ago

the keypad needs to be pressed twice, to get a value and I can not write any instruction in the main of the program

HoldenWright commented 6 years ago

Hey Josh remember to create a loop that waits for you to release the key!!!!!