cjstehno / ersatz

🤖 A simulated HTTP server for testing client code with configurable responses.
Apache License 2.0
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Better logging of unmatched requests #66

Closed radarsh closed 7 years ago

radarsh commented 7 years ago

It would be invaluable if the actual and expected requests were logged in more detail and if possible, identify where they didn't match. I think mock-server does this and prints out which part of the request did not match (whether it was the method, body, headers etc).

Also consider making the output Spock and/or JUnit friendly so that IDEs (esp IntelliJ) can show a diff.

cjstehno commented 7 years ago

Better logging is something I have wanted to do, so now that someone else wants it I can make it happen. :-)

I will have to consider how best to make it more spock/junit friendly. Good idea though. I will add this to my upcoming work.

cjstehno commented 7 years ago

Though I am currently working on something more robust, the server does already log some of this information. An expectation like:

ersatzServer.expectations {
        called 1
        query 'alpha', 'one'
        responder {
            code 200
            content 'done'

would log something like this:

18:40:53.457 [XNIO-1 task-1] DEBUG com.stehno.ersatz.ErsatzServer - Request: { GET /foo (query=[alpha:[one]], headers={Accept=[text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2], Connection=[keep-alive], User-Agent=[Java/1.8.0_131], Host=[localhost:43451]}, cookies=[:]): <empty> }
18:40:53.503 [XNIO-1 task-1] DEBUG com.stehno.ersatz.ErsatzServer - Response({}): done
cjstehno commented 7 years ago

I have a solution for this which will be merged into development shortly (and will be in the next release). For a failed request match you will get a report like this in the logging:

# Unmatched Request

http GET /foo ? alpha=[two]
 - Accept: [text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2]
 - Connection: [keep-alive]
 - User-Agent: [Java/1.8.0_131]
 - Host: [localhost:33879]
Character-Encoding: null
Content-type: null
Content-Length: -1

# Expectations

Expectation 0 (3 matchers):
  ✓ HTTP method matches <GET>
  ✓ Path matches "/foo"
  X Query string alpha matches iterable containing ["one"]
  (3 matchers: 2 matched, 1 failed)

and optionally on the standard output console as well (using a server config option).

This should provide at least a better starting point for figuring out what is not matching in a request.

radarsh commented 7 years ago

Thanks for picking this up so swiftly. I can't wait to try it out.

cjstehno commented 7 years ago

I hope to be able to cut a release sometime early next week.