cjvanlissa / tidySEM

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Following a pipe sequence, how could sampling.weights be added to estimate_lavaan(.,"cfa",sampling.weights = )? #64

Open AlexGareau opened 1 year ago

AlexGareau commented 1 year ago

I had the pleasure to experience the ease of pipe-sequence with tidySEM. Truly amazing for generating model syntax. However, since sampling.weight should stay as a column in the data.frame for the lavaan argument, tidySEM read this column as an observed variable. I wonder if I just hit a crucial limit of tidySEM, or if I am just not seing it from the right coding perspective.

df %>% select(all_of(items),WGT) %>% cfa(model, data = ., estimator = "MLR", sampling.weights = "WGT", meanstructure = T)

df %>% select(all_of(items),WGT) %>% tidy_sem() %>% measurement() %>% estimate_lavaan(.,"cfa", estimator = "mlr", sampling.weights = "WGT)

AlexGareau commented 1 year ago

I was able to replicate the two solutions with sampling.weights. I learned that measurement() and estimate_lavaan() could take function from cfa() or sem() I also learned how to manipulate the data dictionary, even though I wished it could follow the pipe sequence with no interruption, I understand better the inner working of tidySEM.

this is the lavaan solution

df %>% 
  select(any_of(items), WGT) %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.factor), as.numeric)) %>% 
  cfa(cfa, data = .,
      estimator = "MLR",
      sampling.weights = "WGT",
      meanstructure = T,
      auto.fix.first = F,
      std.lv = T)

this is the tidySEM solution which uses lavaan

model <- df %>% 
  select(any_of(items),WGT) %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.factor), as.numeric)) %>% 
dictionary(model) %>% 
  slice(-14) %>% #to take WGT out of the dictionnary
  mutate(scale = "QOL") %>% #to associate all indicators to the same scale
  rbind(c("QOL",NA,"latent","QOL")) -> dictionary(model)
model %>% 
  measurement(auto.fix.first = F, std.lv = T) %>% 
  estimate_lavaan(estimator = "MLR", sampling.weights = "WGT") 

I would say the biggest advantage of tidySEM is the syntax generating process. Because generating lavaan syntax programmatically is not the prettiest.

cfa <- 
  paste(sep = "\n",
      paste0("QoL = ~", 
             paste(head(rank$qol[!is.na(rank[[2]])], -1), collapse = " + ")))