ck2plus / CleanSlate

A community resource, clean base from which to begin mods for CrusaderKings 2
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Localisation error on event MnM.4428 (Monastic penance success) #135

Closed wtrmute closed 2 years ago

wtrmute commented 2 years ago


I am playing with 1.0Beta4 and have noticed that the localisation button for event MnM.4428 does not write out the title for the society leader. Looking up the event by enabling charinfo and Ctrl-right-clicking on the button, I can see that the relevant key is EVTOPTA_MNM_4428, which happens to be located in /CleanSlate/localisation/13_mnm_monastic_orders_events.csv and has the following English form:

EVTOPTA_MNM_4428;You honor me, [Society.GrandMaster.GetSocietyRank];

Note that the event immediately below it, which is the failure event for the same decision, has a different way of picking the leader's title:

EVTOPTA_MNM_4429;I have failed you, [monastic_leader.GetSocietyRank].;

I am not sure whether it would work to simply replace Society.GrandMaster with monastic_leader, but it would seem to work at least in this case, as the event mentions event_target:monastic_leader. In any case, I think Society.GrandMaster would probably need to be replaced everywhere?

Thanks for the attention.

Whizzer commented 2 years ago

You're correct in your analysis every step of the way. Fortunately Society.GrandMaster isn't found anywhere else. Another fix would have been Root.Society.GrandMaster, but using the provided event target is preferred, and more consistent, as you already found out. Thanks for bringing this to our attention!