Closed Borsook closed 2 years ago
show_society = {
trigger_if = {
limit = {
NOT = { society_member_of = warrior_lodge_bon }
trigger_if = {
limit = { has_religion_matching_available_warrior_lodge_trigger = yes }
religion_openly_bon_or_reformed_trigger = no
trigger_else = {
OR = {
# You have neighbors, etc, of the correct religion...
any_vassal = { religion_openly_bon_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
any_liege = { religion_openly_bon_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
any_neighbor_independent_ruler = { religion_openly_bon_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
has_religion_matching_available_warrior_lodge_trigger = {
trigger_if = {
limit = { religion_openly_norse_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
warrior_lodge_norse = { society_has_members = yes }
trigger_else_if = {
limit = { religion_openly_tengri_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
warrior_lodge_tengri = { society_has_members = yes }
trigger_else_if = {
limit = { religion_openly_baltic_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
warrior_lodge_baltic = { society_has_members = yes }
trigger_else_if = {
limit = { religion_openly_finnish_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
warrior_lodge_finnish = { society_has_members = yes }
trigger_else_if = {
limit = { religion_openly_slavic_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
warrior_lodge_slavic = { society_has_members = yes }
trigger_else_if = {
limit = { religion_openly_west_african_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
warrior_lodge_west_african = { society_has_members = yes }
trigger_else_if = {
limit = { religion_openly_zun_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
warrior_lodge_zun = { society_has_members = yes }
trigger_else_if = {
limit = { religion_openly_bon_or_reformed_trigger = yes }
warrior_lodge_bon = { society_has_members = yes }
trigger_else = {
religion_openly_hellenic_or_reformed_trigger = yes
warrior_lodge_hellenic = { society_has_members = yes }
religion_openly_bon_or_reformed_trigger = {
custom_tooltip = {
text = religion_openly_bon_or_reformed_tooltip
OR = {
religion = bon_pagan
religion = bon_pagan_reformed
So, by my reading of the scripts, considering you are probably a Slavic Pagan independent count, you have either a vassal or an independent neighbouring ruler who must be Bön (perhaps a female ruler around you married a Bön husband and then her Bön son inherited the realm after she died). If you still have a snapshot of that game, you could check around whether any of your neighbours are Bön. Because you are tribal, you can join the lodge even though you are not Bön yourself.
If that is the case, then it is indeed working as designed. Perhaps you feel it's unrealistic, but the unrealistic part would be you being able to have diplomatic contact with Tibetans from Silesia such that you and your neighbours can even marry Tibetan spouses.