ckaestne / TypeChef

Type checking ifdef variability
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Handling of labled statements broken #21

Open ckaestne opened 11 years ago

ckaestne commented 11 years ago

Parsing of labeled statements is incorrect (our grammar needs fixing)

We parse labels as separate statements. That is a: b: c(); is parsed as three statements: List(LabeledStatement(a), LabeledStatement(b), FunctionCall(c..)). In the ANSI C grammar this is a single statement LabeledStatement(a, LabeledStatement(b, FunctionCall(c..))). In GCC this is again handled differently, closer to our separate statements: the internal tree representation actually creates an internal block where needed.

Here is the original code block (one statement) from uclibc that illustrates the problem:

if (0)
        if ((a = *++haystack) == c)
          goto crest;
          a = *++haystack;

Corresponding grammar: and corresponding parser code in GCC:

Fixing the grammar will require follow up fixes in the data flow analysis and simple changes in the type system.

ckaestne commented 11 years ago

will be fixed in fix_goto branch