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URGENT FIX NEEDED: A bug with contact and webinar forms #130

Closed popovayoana closed 1 year ago

popovayoana commented 1 year ago

Description There is some problem with the way subscription forms work - I don't know at what point it became messy but it is messy.

  1. We don't receive the contact entries in Wagtail. We receive them in our emails but they are not recorded in Wagtail. (tested right now - I got an email but nothing in Wagtail)

  2. We receive the new webinar form for both people that contact us and people that subscribe to the webinar.

Expected behaviour

  1. We want all forms (contact, webinar, newsletter) to be connected to Wagtail and integrated with MailChimp.

  2. We want to receive the contact form when people that contact us and the webinar form for people that subscribe for the webinar.

popovayoana commented 1 year ago

@alexmorev @Alex-Pavlyuk also not sure why we have four filters here: image

I think we should just have three: contact, webinar, newsletter. right?

Alex-Pavlyuk commented 1 year ago

Hi @popovayoana we will look into on Wednesday

popovayoana commented 1 year ago

@Alex-Pavlyuk @alexmorev hey guys, we now started receiving some submission/subscribe forms. I'm not sure what that is...

popovayoana commented 1 year ago

@Alex-Pavlyuk hey, any update on this?

alexmorev commented 1 year ago

@popovayoana Fixed. Please check and give your feedback.

popovayoana commented 1 year ago

@alexmorev it seems the contact inquiries are now fine. however, there's a problem with the contact form itself:

  1. the consent message doesn't look good (it's smashed)

    • can we fix spacing
    • can we just leave "I would like to receive email updates, news and events from"?
    • can we add a note somewhere that "Your information will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You may opt-out at any time." (compliance purposes) image
  2. after submission, I get a quick thank you message and then it redirects me to this: image

  3. contact is not added to Wagtail and Mailchimp

  4. contact is not sent to email

alexmorev commented 1 year ago

Try to clear your browser cache and reopen the site. I've just tried this by myself and that is the result image image

popovayoana commented 1 year ago

@alexmorev hey alex, it worked! thanks! 💌 // cc @Alex-Pavlyuk

Can we just fix these two things: - [ ] 1. change the consent message

- [ ] 2. add "Thank you" message after submitting a form The message can either appear as an overlay (modal/pop-up) or replace the contact form content within the same page + it should be styled in line with our website's design and branding). The text for the "Thank You" messages is as follows:

alexmorev commented 1 year ago

@popovayoana Done. Now it's being tested on dev server. I've added recaptcha v3 instead of the second version. Hope it'll be available on the main server in 1-2 days. If you have any suggestions or notes please let me know.

alexmorev commented 1 year ago

@popovayoana The above mentioned changes are available on the main server.

popovayoana commented 1 year ago

@alexmorev great, everything is perfect! i consider this issue FIXED so closing. thanks! 🙏