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DCAT HVD 2.2.0 #284

Open EricSoroos opened 1 month ago

EricSoroos commented 1 month ago


The HVD Spec ( has a few specific requirements:

1) The Applicable Legislation ELI ( must be applied to Datasets and Distributions(resources) for HVD items. There may be distributions of a dataset that are not covered by the HVD, and they would not contain this value. 2) The HVD Category must be part of a specific codelist. 3) While the HVD profile should be included in the base catalog, there must be a catalog returning only hvd datasets and resources for reporting purposes.

Draft version of HVD 2.2.0 compliance

1) Adds support for codelists as a concept, and uses them for the HVD Category 2) Uses appropriate rdf typing to pass the shaql validation. 3) Provides a read-only profile to provide a HVD only catalog at {base url}/catalog.ttl?profiles=euro_dcat_ap_hvd_220 4) Extracts resource_to_graph into overridable methods.


EricSoroos commented 1 month ago

This is a draft for comment --