This is a fine extension, thank you for this.
I've managed to display geojson data without problem (well, actually, it took me some time to understand I needed to declare 'geojson' in the format field for it to work), but I am having trouble displaying WFS data.
Hi, This is a fine extension, thank you for this. I've managed to display geojson data without problem (well, actually, it took me some time to understand I needed to declare 'geojson' in the format field for it to work), but I am having trouble displaying WFS data.
I'm trying to follow the instructions on https://github.com/ckan/ckanext-geoview#openlayers-viewer and thus, if I understand correctly the instructions, http://webgis.regione.sardegna.it/geoserver/wfs#anagrafe_biblioteche_view should display the anagrafe_biblioteche_view data (dots) on the OL map. But I'm gettinf nothing. Could you tell me what I'm doing wrong ? Thanks !