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Allow organisations to be closed. #118

Open rossjones opened 9 years ago

rossjones commented 9 years ago

Although it is possible to delete organisations, there is no functionality to allow for organisations to be closed. Closed organisations are those that cease to exist, but whose datasets and other metadata are still important.

Sometimes the organisation's datasets are merged with another, sometimes they're just needed for a historical archive, but deleting them (and thereby removing from public view) is not what is required.

I'd suggest we'd need:

wardi commented 9 years ago

:+1: should we have a standard "closed_reason" list too?

rossjones commented 9 years ago

The most useful reason is 'Replaced by' especially if there is a link to the replacement organization, but I think inactive is already implied by the closed.

As far as I am aware, but need to check, ckanext-harvest should already take care of not allowing editing of ckanext-harvest, at least that's what we've implemented on DGU, so I hoping it is default functionality - having the reason won't hurt though and might simplify other code elsewhere.

Locked by administrator isn't clear to me, it doesn't explain why it was closed, so perhaps we can skip that one?

I started a PR using a field on the model, but think I'll probably put the reason and redirect in as extras.

Another thing I wanted to discuss was whether we thought this could be done (as I have in the PR) as a field on the model, or whether it would be better as a collection of states where states == ['active', 'closed', 'replaced', 'deleted'] ? Having a state of replaced would imply an extra called 'replacement-organization' or something similar so that it could be taken into account. One problem with the many states suggestion is that 'closed' and 'replaced' will have to be actively handled in several places where there is a check on 'active'.

adamamyl commented 9 years ago

The most useful reason is 'Replaced by' especially if there is a link to the replacement organization, but I think inactive is already implied by the closed.

Do you think some automatic redirection would be useful here; redirect to new org, and re-house the datasets

rossjones commented 9 years ago

Yes, exactly for that reason, but perhaps not automatic. There's a use-case where we want the organisation closed, still with datasets, but with a bit alert and link to the new organization.

adamamyl commented 9 years ago

Another thing I wanted to discuss was whether we thought this could be done (as I have in the PR) as a field on the model, or whether it would be better as a collection of states where states == ['active', 'closed', 'replaced', 'deleted']

and 'hidden', 'creator_only' if we're looking at states (which I think is a good idea) -- hidden say for if the resource needs to be reviewed

gjlawran commented 9 years ago

I appreciate all the effort on this - but I wonder if business practices wouldn't just be sufficient - rather than code?

If we have an organization that is no longer active - usually the datasets are transferred to other agencies who then manage them as custodians. If the datasets are 'orphaned' by an organization that is no longer active - and not transferred (adopted) - then we would simply eliminate the ability of members to add new packages to that now dormant organization. Typically this would be achieved by removing all the members from the dormant organization.

If we wanted to provide 'redirection' and an explanation for an organization that is now dormant we would just place a note in the description of the organization with a link to the new organization that has superseded it.

davidread commented 9 years ago

@gjlawran I sympathise with this approach - we've been doing this. One key use case that it doesn't cover is that the orphaned datasets are still in the catalogue pages and search results, and the message about the organization being closed is only available on the publisher page. We want to tell people "yes we know the organization is closed now" every time it is mentioned, by calling it 'NHS Bogminster South Health Trust (Closed)' in the search results, and perhaps adding a coloured warning box when you view its dataset.

At the ckan tech meeting today general opinion is:

davidread commented 9 years ago

When viewing the closed organization, it would be good to have a bold box saying something like: e.g. "This organization was closed in 2012. Responsibility passed to Org A and Org B.".

There are a number of relationships to the follow-on organization. It's probably worth adding the ones we can think of now and making it east to add more. Here's what I can think of:

When a body renames (withouth other major changes) we want a new URL for the body too, so it makes sense to provide a page at the old URL with the redirect. This could be achieved by having 'renamed' in this list, although it doesn't make sense in the db to flag it as "closed". Actually I think a renamed organization or dataset would be better served by a 301 redirect (this is what does too) and a list of redirects could be stored in another table.

gjlawran commented 9 years ago

@davidread thanks for your explanations. Could these be restated as:

1) When a request is made for a package that belongs to an organization that is now closed - the state of the organization should be obvious on the package page.

2) When a request is made for the organization list of packages: * * the state of the organization as well as its previous name are presented on the responding organization page.

3) When a request is made for an organization list of packages with the previous name for the organization - the system should do an automatic redirect to the new name - while serving a 301 http response.

IFF I have correctly summarized your requirements: Could 1) be achieved by altering the description fields of packages indicating that they belong to a now closed organization ?

Could 2) be achieved by adding a description indicating the state of the organization and previous name if applicable?

Could 3) be achieved by allowing the system to manage redirects for organizations ? I would expect if the agency was a simple rename we would just change the organization name - but we could setup a redirect if we thought clients were using the old name.

davidread commented 9 years ago

@gjlawran Yes 1 and 2 are key parts of what's needed and the solutions you suggest cover the basic requirements. However I think that by making changes that are planned we can create better visuals for the user, and make it less likely for admins to make mistakes.

Maybe you have easily controlled business processes where you are, but for us the administration of publishers is done by lots of people, and it'd be better to have a 'closed' checkbox rather than a note saying "When an organization closes you need to do X and Y".

rossjones commented 9 years ago

3) When a request is made for an organization list of packages with the previous name for the organization - the system should do an automatic redirect to the new name - while serving a 301 http response.

Auto-redirects may be a useful feature in some cases, but there is a case where the organization is closed, has been replaced by another but the datasets not moved. These are essentially archived and available only for reference. We don't want to redirect in these cases. Also, the function of some organisations may have been replaced by more than one organization.

gjlawran commented 9 years ago

Are we proposing limiting redirection of organization REST requests

or we wanting redirection of parameterized queries too?

I expect some users will also bookmark these.

Is redirection instantaneous or delayed so that users are made aware of the redirection? is redirection temporary or permanent? I anticipate agency names (URLs) may wish to be reused.

@davidread rest assured we are blessed with 200+ unique users :) @rossjones just confirming - Org A closes, Org B replaces , but packages from A do not migrate to B? So in this case you want to indicate on the Org A page the closure and institution replacement, but the packages continue to be available from the closed Org A , and no-redirection.

rossjones commented 9 years ago

just confirming - Org A closes, Org B replaces , but packages from A do not migrate to B? So in this case you want to indicate on the Org A page the closure and institution replacement, but the packages continue to be available from the closed Org A , and no-redirection.

@gjlawran exactly that, with a link to the new replacement in the message that notifies you that it is no longer active.

davidread commented 9 years ago