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(Tabular) Data Package Extension #37

Open rufuspollock opened 10 years ago

rufuspollock commented 10 years ago

Support for Data Package format (esp tabular data package) in CKAN

Specifically suggest API of:

GET /dataset/{name}/datapackage.json
POST /dataset/{name}/datapackage.json would also be nice but maybe action API would be better


/api/action/datapackage_create => creates a dataset with resources as appropriate ...

Since datapackage is very similar to CKAN dataset + resources should be straightforward. One major question is where we store the table schema for resources (I presume we just put this into resource extras ...)

nigelbabu commented 10 years ago

Isn't this what does?

rufuspollock commented 10 years ago

@nigelbabu not really - that's an entirely separate app as i understand it (though built on core ckan). I was thinking more about datapackager style features built into standard ckan.

rufuspollock commented 9 years ago

@tryggvib could you update here on the work you have been doing on data package support in CKAN (?)