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List of CKAN service companies #70

Open davidread opened 10 years ago

davidread commented 10 years ago

Having a list of service companies on that offer CKAN services would be beneficial for those looking for such services, but more importantly would give confidence to those selecting CKAN that they would not be locked into one provider.

Suggested mechanics: this should probably live at, replacing the 'Services' section that is specific to OKF. It could be a Jekyll doc listing each companies basic info: company name, services (from: install, host, custom theme, custom development), contact, logo.

Suggested joining policy: the applicant must demonstrate basic capacity to fulfil the advertised services. Evidence for this might be showing a running CKAN instance, a CKAN extension in Github or pull requests. I think the bar needs to be reasonably low - if a python programmer new to CKAN can spend an hour installing CKAN and customizing the example extension successfully then they should be allowed to be listed. This avoids having companies just fishing for work but without any specific investment in CKAN, but encourages new-comers willing to learn.

Suggested joining process: to join the list, a company would contact the tech team chair with their evidence. At the next meeting, the chair will raise it and either there will be a straight decision or someone will be assigned to investigate more. A decision is either 'yes' or a request for more evidence, communicated by the chair.

rufuspollock commented 10 years ago

Great idea David - one of the top things in the community development user stories discussions. I'd actually booted a Google form for this a little while back but hadn't got round to putting it up. You can see the form here:

marks commented 10 years ago

+1 as a service provider

davidread commented 10 years ago

@rgrp Nice one using a form. And great idea to store the location of the company too - that is important to a lot of clients.

The form should probably show as being "from" the CKAN Association rather than OKF, as we want this to be as impartial as we can.

And I just want to flag that OKF could usefully move their info about their services from to in preparation for this change.

rufuspollock commented 10 years ago

@davidread there is no way for me to move this from the Open Knowledge Foundation (it goes by your google account) and I note that CKAN Association is still based at Open Knowledge Foundation :-)

I have added at the top a notice that: "This form is maintained and managed by the CKAN Association"

Re services info on - if that hasn't moved already (I had not checked) that should def be moving.

rufuspollock commented 10 years ago

Suggest we could deploy the form at something like: and list

I note that members of the CKAN association would likely get special billing (one of the incentives to be a member)

adamamyl commented 10 years ago

There should be caveats about not warranting, etc.

adamamyl commented 10 years ago

I note that members of the CKAN association would likely get special billing (one of the incentives to be a member)

I would think it should be the only route to a listing, similar, to say,