ckcr4lyf / kiryuu

A highly performant HTTP bittorrent tracker (WIP)
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(sometimes) skyrocketing announce latency, drop in requests per second #4

Closed ckcr4lyf closed 1 year ago

ckcr4lyf commented 2 years ago


need to investigate cause... Announce latency goes upto 7+ seconds!

ckcr4lyf commented 2 years ago


"Normal" behavior - sub millisecond latency, not too many FIN_WAIT or ESTABLISHED

Power2All commented 1 year ago

I would suggest you look at Axum. I've ditched Actix for having also some memory leak issues. Seeing you already follow my Torrust-Axum project, you probably are maybe already aware :)

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

Yep, need to dig deeper into whether the cheap VPS is limiting or it really is Actix

Power2All commented 1 year ago

Yep, need to dig deeper into whether the cheap VPS is limiting or it really is Actix

I've got my own hardware I put in a datacenter, although it runs in a VM. VM is most likely the culprit, I would suggest you monitor also the amount of active packets, and/or drops through /var/log/syslog, and you can use the command ss -s to see active TCP and UDP connections.

Most possible, you would see some info in the syslog file, just use a command like tail -f /var/log/syslog to 'watch' the file with additions ;)

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

Triage: Seems this is due to redis sets. Currently, for any torrent, we call ZRANGEBYSCORE to get the seeders & leechers on two ZSETs:

Redis has a useful --bigkeys command, using which we can find the largest ZSET:

$ redis-cli --bigkeys --pattern '*_seeders'


Sampled 427012 keys in the keyspace!
Total key length in bytes is 20496576 (avg len 48.00)

Biggest   zset found '"17d0442b088a570dd94f98c6b367b98494704171_seeders"' has 30452 members

This torrent has ~30k seeders. As a result, whenever any of those 30k seeders (or ~10k leechers I also discovered) announces, kiryuu calls ZRANGEBYSCORE on two ZSETs with ~30k & ~10k members.

Additionally the leechers are also shuffled, which can be CPU expensive:

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

This is most evident when we see stats for mywaifu. Notice how the average number of commands redis executes stays the same throughout the ~30hr time period.

However, ~2022-01-17T19:00:00 onwards, the HTTP announce latency skyrockets. The redis netwok I/O also increases massively, and most time is spent by the ZRANGEBYSCORE command. This is most likely due to the massive number of peers on the torrent, which are very expensive on the CPU (executing ZRANGEBYSCORE on a ZSET with 30k+ members by Redis, as well as shuffling within kiryuu probably)


ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

Possible Soutions

Do not return all elements in ZRANGEBYSCORE

This will reduce network traffic & CPU load on redis. The time complexity is "O(log(N)+M) with N being the number of elements in the sorted set and M the number of elements returned." (Ref:

Instead , we can get the last N elements of the ZSET, and then shuffle those.



Explaining the N+1th scenario

BitTorrent works by announcing at fixed intervals, usually every 30 min.

If Peer A announces at t = 0, And then N peers announce at 5 <= t <= 25 , and then Peer B announces at t=29, then Peer B will be limited to N peers, and would not see Peer A. This isn't a massive downside, especially with DHT & such aiding in peer discovery once you have a few peers.

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

image FYI: COmparing the CPU load (on VPS) with redis queries... gg...

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

This has been fixed by:

Some other micro optimizations include:

ckcr4lyf commented 1 year ago

Overall result: Can now process ~2500 announce per second while maintaining sub millisecond latency


2 week view: image