ckcz123 / DSP_Battle

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Copy-Pasting phaser emitters #71

Open Speedyquader opened 7 months ago

Speedyquader commented 7 months ago

For some reason saving phaser emitters to a blueprint doesn't save their targeting priority on the newest version, can that be fixed? Also the targeting for missiles is really bad, they usually target enemies that are on the opposite side of the system instead of the ones about to damage my ILSs.

Also while I'm here, can the documentation here be updated? Everything here seems to be several versions old, so I can't see the new list of relics in the BattleProtos.cs file.

starfi5h commented 7 months ago

Check CursedRelics branch, it is the latest. You can also enter 'q1597531q' to open the mod console then use lsrelic command to list all relic in game.

Speedyquader commented 7 months ago


You'd think that with 100+ missile silos/planet and 200+ phase emitters per planet that I'd be able to survive strong waves, but because the targeting priority for the missiles decided to die a horrible death since 2.2.5/2.2.6(I forget which), missiles have been nerfed horribly.

If there's been no changes to the targeting logic since 2.2.5, then idk what I'm doing differently this time around.

Thanks for the info, though!