ckeditor / ckbuilder

The development repository of CKBuilder, a command line builder for CKEditor 4.
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ckbuilder wrongly includes image2 plugin #9

Open gotcha opened 8 years ago

gotcha commented 8 years ago

I use the following build-config.js

        skin: 'moono',
        ignore: [
        plugins: {
                a11yhelp: 1,
                about: 1,
                basicstyles: 1,
                bidi: 1,
                blockquote: 1,
                clipboard: 1,
                colorbutton: 1,
                colordialog: 1,
                contextmenu: 1,
                dialogadvtab: 1,
                div: 1,
                elementspath: 1,
                enterkey: 1,
                entities: 1,
                filebrowser: 1,
                find: 1,
                flash: 1,
                floatingspace: 1,
                font: 1,
                format: 1,
                forms: 1,
                horizontalrule: 1,
                htmlwriter: 1,
                iframe: 1,
                image: 1,
wsc: 1,
scayt: 1,
widget: 1,
lineutils: 1,
                indentlist: 1,
                indentblock: 1,
                justify: 1,
                link: 1,
                list: 1,
                liststyle: 1,
                magicline: 1,
                maximize: 1,
                newpage: 1,
                pagebreak: 1,
                pastefromword: 1,
                pastetext: 1,
                preview: 1,
                print: 1,
                removeformat: 1,
                resize: 1,
                save: 1,
                selectall: 1,
                showblocks: 1,
                showborders: 1,
                smiley: 1,
                sourcearea: 1,
                specialchar: 1,
                stylescombo: 1,
                tab: 1,
                table: 1,
                tabletools: 1,
                templates: 1,
                toolbar: 1,
                undo: 1,
                wysiwygarea: 1

It does not include image2 plugin. However, the resulting .tar.gz release file holds a populated plugin/image2 directory.

jkallay1 commented 8 years ago

Are you sure you built with the -s switch to omit extra plugins from the build?