When using the ENTER_BR mode and trying to add a link under an existing link, the new url is updated to the existing link. In stead of being added below the exiting link.
Create a link to example.com by using the link button in the toolbar
Use the button "End" to remove the highlighting off the link.
Press Shift+Enter to mimic the ENTER_BR mode
Press the link button again and enter the website: github.com
We have an issue with the CKEditor link functionality when the alinea mode is set to off (You can reproduce this setting by using Shift-Enter instead of the default enter button in your demo: https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-4/demo/#inline)
Type of report
Provide detailed reproduction steps (if any)
When using the ENTER_BR mode and trying to add a link under an existing link, the new url is updated to the existing link. In stead of being added below the exiting link.
Steps to reproduce:
We have an issue with the CKEditor link functionality when the alinea mode is set to off (You can reproduce this setting by using Shift-Enter instead of the default enter button in your demo: https://ckeditor.com/ckeditor-4/demo/#inline)
Expected result
A second link to github.
Actual result
The first link is edited to the url github.
Other details