Open Madejczyk opened 2 years ago
Workaround for this:
const event = new KeyboardEvent("keydown", {
bubbles : true,
cancelable : true,
key : "f",
ctrlKey: true,
shiftKey : false,
keyCode : 70
But unfotunately also not worked in read-only mode
Good question. The only way to open this at this point is to do some hacking and finding proper button in the Β toolbar items (editor.ui.view.toolbar.items
) collection:
const findAndReplaceDropdown = Array.from( editor.ui.view.toolbar.items ).filter( item => item.buttonView && item.buttonView.label === 'Find and replace' )[ 0 ];
if ( findAndReplaceDropdown ) { 'execute' );
But that's super hacky. E.g. if UI is created in a different language this label comparison will no longer work.
I think it's a part of a bigger challenge where we'd need to think how to expose UIs like that. Same thing would be useful to bring table drodpwon, emoji dropdown etc.
Unfortunately above code is not working in read-only mode
private onFindButtonClick = () => {
const findAndReplaceDropdown = Array.from(this.editor.ui.view.toolbar.items)
.find(({buttonView}) => buttonView?.label === 'Find and replace');
if ( findAndReplaceDropdown ) { 'execute' );
π Provide a description of the improvement
Is it possible to open find and replace modal, not from ckeditor when editor is in read-only mode and doesn't have toolbar (implementation of , but in the button which is outside? Right now I can call only editor.execute("find", "jakub").
π Other details
If you'd like to see this improvement implemented, add a π reaction to this post.