ckeditor / ckeditor5

Powerful rich text editor framework with a modular architecture, modern integrations, and features like collaborative editing.
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Questions about real-time collaboration scaling #16278

Open DeltekDavid opened 3 weeks ago

DeltekDavid commented 3 weeks ago

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We're currently evaluating CKEditor5 and think it's pretty awesome. But our use case could involve a lot of simultaneous editors (maybe 100s on a page in some cases, across 100s of users) with real-time collab + track changes + custom inline widget plug-ins. We're modeling a special document with a set of paragraphs, which for various reasons makes more sense for us than editing the whole doc at once. (For one thing, each user might see a different set of paragraphs at a given time based on their context.)

Is this kind of scale something the real-time collaboration supports? What are its limits? I did skim the SaaS docs but couldn't find much in the way of numbers.

Apologies if you'd prefer a generic contact form query for this, but it sounded like something they'd ask engineering anyway :)


Witoso commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the kind words! The devils in the details, we would need to understand the use case better and the planned setup. We usually answer questions about the premium offering via the support email. It just has a higher priority than GitHub, and in the times of release crunch, engineering focuses on the support channel in which we participate quite heavily.

That's what I would recommend, shoot us an email, and we will help :) cc @scofalik for visibility.

CKEditorBot commented 6 days ago

The issue lacks the feedback we asked for two weeks. Hence, we've marked it as stale and will close it in 30 days. We understand it may still be relevant, so if you're interested in the solution, leave a comment or reaction under this issue.