I found the issue with getting response data in HTML format if I want to display data in column wise:
I need richtext content like side by side, cloumn wise.
Either it can be like two column or three column way for column like text and text or text and image e.g.
I tried it in ckeditor's richtext, infect some how I achieved this behavior for two column type e.g.
But it is responsing me the data in HTML format on frontend like
The data in reponse I am getting is:
"<p> </p><figure class=\"image image-style-side image_resized\" style=\"width:15.89%;\"><img style=\"aspect-ratio:1648/1672;\" src=\"http://localhost:1337/uploads/remy_gieling_KP_6_XQI_Ejj_PA_unsplash_2_1_24b5e6ba53.jpg\" alt=\"remy-gieling-KP6XQIEjjPA-unsplash 2 (1).jpg\" width=\"1648\" height=\"1672\"></figure><p>Open the checkra1n app, and follow the instructions to put your device into DFU mode. Hax happens auto-magically from that point and the device will boot into jailbroken mode. If you reboot the device without checkra1n, it will revert to stock iOS, and you will not be able to use any 3rd party software installed until you enter DFU and checkra1n the device again.</p><p> </p><p> </p>",
I found the issue with getting response data in HTML format if I want to display data in column wise:
I need richtext content like side by side, cloumn wise.
Either it can be like two column or three column way for column like text and text or text and image e.g.
I tried it in ckeditor's richtext, infect some how I achieved this behavior for two column type e.g.
But it is responsing me the data in HTML format on frontend like
The data in reponse I am getting is: