ckimrie / Site-Manager

Module that allows you to remotely manage ExpressionEngine sites and synchronise data
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Updates #17

Closed objectivehtml closed 11 years ago

objectivehtml commented 11 years ago

Also, made a couple minor changes to the code style to be more inline with my own. Feel free to omit the changes, just figured I would put it out there if you like it, you could keep it.

ckimrie commented 11 years ago

Thanks for this update Justin. Some great updates here, and I think the use of theme loader is going to save me many headaches moving forward.

I did change the theme_loader verification in mcp.site_manager_client.php from:


to a checking a new version property on the RequireJS-for-EE extension:

if (!property_exists($this->EE->requirejs, "version") || $this->EE->requirejs->version < "1.4") {
    show_error("The Site Manager module [...]]", 500, "Update Required");

Since theme_loader is used on all pages and not present in the local addon library folder, I figure it made sense to throw an error and force the user update.