ckirkendall / The-Great-Todo

Sample service-driven web application using Clojure, ClojureScript, Monger, Enfocus, Noir, and Fetch. Created for CinJug April 2012 Presentation.
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Clojurescrip compiler dependencies #4

Open fmsbeekmans opened 11 years ago

fmsbeekmans commented 11 years ago

Hi, When I try to build using cljsbuild 0.2.9 and the compiler needed clojure 1.4.0 or more, simply changing this in the project definition gave another error. What version of cljsbuild do i need?

ckirkendall commented 11 years ago

@fmsbeekmans - Sorry this got lost in my inbox. cljsbuild 0.2.9 has a version of clojurescript that has a bug in it relating to reify. This causes issues with domina and enfocus. It was introduced recently and fixed by David Nolan. It will be fixed in the next release of lien-cljsbuild. I have tested it with lien-cljsbuild 0.2.7.