ckirkendall / enfocus

DOM manipulation and templating library for ClojureScript inspired by Enlive.
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clone-for issue "TypeError: enfocus.core.last_element_child is undefined" #98

Closed turtle-bazon closed 10 years ago

turtle-bazon commented 10 years ago

I have html template

      <script src="js/main.js"></script>
      <div id="container">
      <div id="templates" style="display:none">
        <div id="main-block">
            <div id="clist">[container]</div>
        <ul id="lllist">

also have core.cljs

(ns suopelmen.client.core
   [ajax.core :as ajax]
   [enfocus.core :as ef]
   [ :as ev])
   [enfocus.macros :as em]))

(em/defsnippet userlist-block "/t2.html" ["#lllist"]
  "li ~ li" (ef/remove-node)
  "li:first-child" (em/clone-for [user [{:id 1 :name "adfgadf"}
                                        {:id 2 :name "qertqert"}
                                        {:id 3 :name "pouiyi"}]]
                                   (ef/content (name user))))

(em/defsnippet main-block "/t2.html" ["#main-block"]
  "#clist" (ef/content "")
  "#clist" (ef/content (userlist-block)))

(defn init []
  (ef/at "#container" (main-block)))

(set! (.-onload js/window) #(em/wait-for-load (init)))                                                                                                                                    

But in that example clone-for doesn't work as I await from him. In javascript console I see message "TypeError: enfocus.core.last_element_child is undefined". And in fact it doesn't present in main.js. Whats wrong in my template or cljs?

turtle-bazon commented 10 years ago

ater deleting main.js and target/cljsbuild-compiler-0 works as expected.