ckirkendall / kioo

Enlive/Enfocus style templating for Facebook's React and Om in ClojureScript.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Readme: add Tips :: Match/replace the whole `body` #15

Closed holyjak closed 10 years ago

holyjak commented 10 years ago

I spent considerable time finding out why (deftemplate ... {[:body] (content ..)}) does nothing and would like to help other users avoid the same problem. (Though hopefully only few need it.)

For more info/background, see the blog post (feedback warmly welcomed)

ckirkendall commented 10 years ago

You are mixing two concepts here. A template is not suppose to have a sub selector. Its an internal implementation detail that makes it work. I don't see why you are even using the deftemplate in this case. It is not doing anything for you. You would just use defsnippet.

Instead of this:

(defsnippet kiootest-one "kiootest.html" [:#contentOne] [_]
  {[:#name] (content "Kioo")})

(deftemplate kiootest "kiootest.html" [_]
  [:body] {[:body] (substitute (kiootest-one _))})
;;  ^- custom root selector
;;            ^- inside the selected <body..>..</body>, match the body element itself

(om/root #(om/component (kiootest %)) (atom {}) 
         {:target (. js/document (getElementById "om-shop-list2"))})

Is there a reason this doesn't work

(defsnippet kiootest-one "kiootest.html" [:#contentOne] [_]
  {[:#name] (content "Kioo")})

(om/root #(om/component (kiootest-one %)) (atom {}) 
         {:target (. js/document (getElementById "om-shop-list2"))})
holyjak commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot! I mistakendly believed that snippet can only be used inside a template.

Sorry for wasting your time :-)

danielsz commented 9 years ago

I had made the same assumption, and spent some hours trying to figure out what was happening.

May I kindly suggest to explain in the README what deftemplate does or return, as opposed to defsnippet. Purely out of compassion, please.

ckirkendall commented 9 years ago

@danielsz - I added the template and snippet section to the If you could, please take a look and let me know if you think it needs to be more clear.

danielsz commented 9 years ago

Yes! This tells us what we should know regarding snippets and templates. Nice job. Thank you!

On a more general note, I would argue that the term "kioo component" is unfortunate. Users come to kioo after having spent some time with a Clojurescript React library, which already refers to its artefacts as components. In my mind, for example, Om and Reagent wrap React components, while Sablono and Kioo provide a mechanism to generate React-approved tags and attributes. Talking about "kioo components" causes semantic overload, even though I'm sure you can make the case for them.