ckirkendall / kioo

Enlive/Enfocus style templating for Facebook's React and Om in ClojureScript.
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Improper tag nesting #35

Closed scttnlsn closed 9 years ago

scttnlsn commented 9 years ago

I was playing around with the Om example and changed part of main.html from:

<li class="nav-item"><a href="#">Placeholder</a></li>


<li class="nav-item">
    <a href="#">

Additionally, I changed the nav item snippet from:

(defsnippet my-nav-item "main.html" [:.nav-item]
  [[caption func]]
  {[:a] (do-> (content caption)
              (listen :onClick #(func caption)))})


(defsnippet my-nav-item "main.html" [:.nav-item]
  [[caption func]]
  {[:a] (listen :onClick #(func caption))
   [:h1] (content caption)})

The resulting HTML is:

<li class="nav-item" data-reactid=".">
    <a href="#" data-reactid="."></a>
    <h1 data-reactid=".">home</h1>

Why doesn't the h1 tag remain nested inside the a tag? I'm compiling against the lastest Kioo version from master (

ckirkendall commented 9 years ago

I was able to reproduce this. I don't know what is happening yet but I will take a look today.

ckirkendall commented 9 years ago

Well I think this is being caused by our html minifier. I will look into a work around later this week.

scttnlsn commented 9 years ago

@ckirkendall Have you made any progress with this? I dug into it a bit and was left under the impression that this might actually be an issue with Enlive.

Here's the result of using Enlive's html-resource function:

(html-resource "main.html")
({:type :dtd, :data ["html" nil nil]}
 {:tag :html,
  :attrs {:lang "en"},
   {:tag :body,
    :attrs nil,
     {:tag :header,
      :attrs nil,
      ("\n    "
       {:tag :h1, :attrs nil, :content ("Header placeholder")}
       "\n    "
       {:tag :ul,
        :attrs {:id "navigation"},
        ("\n        "
         {:tag :li,
          :attrs {:class "nav-item"},
          ("\n            "
           {:tag :a,
            :attrs {:href "#"},
            :content ("\n                ")}
           {:tag :h1, :attrs nil, :content ("Placeholder")}
           "\n            \n        ")}
         "\n    ")}
     {:tag :div, :attrs {:class "content"}, :content ("place holder")}

The a and h1 tags are not nested as they should be.

scttnlsn commented 9 years ago

Yeah, looks like this is a known issue w/ Enlive's use of tagsoup ( Perhaps we can swap out the Enlive parser to use Hickory or jsoup.

ckirkendall commented 9 years ago

That is ugly! I am a bit shocked this is just coming to light now. I assumed it was the minifier and was trying to reproduce with that. Thanks for figuring this out. I will take a look at the options and see if we can't swap out the base enlive parser. I do believe enlive supports the ability to have different parsers.


On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 11:29 PM, Scott Nelson wrote:

Yeah, looks like this is a known issue w/ Enlive's use of tagsoup ( cgrand/enlive#110 Perhaps we can swap out the Enlive parser to use Hickory or jsoup.

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scttnlsn commented 9 years ago

I was able to get this working by using the JSoup parser. Here's a quick and dirty fix: Minor differences in the way whitespace was handled led to that nasty conditional. Perhaps there's a nicer way to deal with this.

scttnlsn commented 9 years ago

Looks like enlive-ws is also using tagsoup. I think that will also need to be changed.

scttnlsn commented 9 years ago

When running the Kioo tests against the updated enlive-ws ( there were a bunch of failures because the attributes were ordered slightly differently. Fixed here:

Everything is working for me as expected now.

ckirkendall commented 9 years ago

I decided to move the enlive-ws stuff inside kioo because I need to control this for both standard and minified html options. Thanks for diagnosing the issue and for fixing all the tests. You rock!

scttnlsn commented 9 years ago

Okay, great. So glad this is working now!

jessesherlock commented 9 years ago

I'll second that thanks, that was some great work! Also happy to have enlive-ws functions moved into Kioo as it's a tiny bit of code so that makes sense.