ckirkendall / kioo

Enlive/Enfocus style templating for Facebook's React and Om in ClojureScript.
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Integrating with ClojureScript's auto #9

Open JulianBirch opened 10 years ago

JulianBirch commented 10 years ago

It's not exactly kioo's problem, but if you update a kioo template, the ClojureScript compiler doesn't recompile. Not sure if anything can be done about this (short of a modification to the ClojureScript compiler, which would require a lot of thought).

sritchie commented 10 years ago

I've been using the browser repl for this and just recompiling when I change the code, and it's been working really well.

jessesherlock commented 9 years ago

I have a command line file watcher that watches my templates and runs touch src/cljs/foobar/components.cljs on every change, which triggers the recompile of the correct cljs file.

If you install the guard program ( and guard-shell then a guard file with a section like this:

guard :shell do
    watch(/resources\/templates\/.*/) {
        `touch src/cljs/foobar/file-where-templates-are-defined.cljs`

will do the trick, as would any other method of triggering shell commands on file changes.

While never having worked in the ruby ecosystem I'm a big fan of guard especially because of guard-livereload, I have a few other lines that don't just recompile my js but reload my browser for me as well (or only reload the js/css/whatever instead of doing a full page reload) which I now can't live without.

ghost commented 9 years ago

guard works great. One note, there are backticks around the touch command, not apostrophes. I missed that. Also if you have notifications in linux you can send one with the n command.

guard :shell do
  watch /resources\/public\/html\/.*/ do |m| 
    n m[0], 'Changed', :success
    `touch src/cljs/foo/bar.cljs`