ckkelvinchan / BasicVSR_PlusPlus

Official repository of "BasicVSR++: Improving Video Super-Resolution with Enhanced Propagation and Alignment"
Apache License 2.0
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Can't load datasets from GoPro for wrong filelist #31

Open Leo-student opened 1 year ago

Leo-student commented 1 year ago

Thanks for your great work firstly!

When running the deblur source code with the config, I met an error for can`t find the 0000010.png in the training dataset GoPro/train/blur/GOPR0386_11_00/ .

To solve this problem, I exchange the directory of GoPro/train/GOPR0/blur and GoPro/train/GOPR0/shape into GoPro/train/blur/GOPR0 and GoPro/train/GT/GOPR0 to meet the need of set apart lq and gt dataset.

Then change filename_tmpl='{:05d}.png' to filename_tmpl='{:06d}.png' to match real GoPro datasets. However for the specific name in the file list, this is still no 0000010.png in GOPR0386_11_00 because the number list is from 000247 to 000346, so file 0000010.png cant be found. Where did 0000010.png come from in the whole repository, I cant find the source of the code to enumerate the dataset from 10 or other numbers, Could you help me find it? Thanks a lot.