ckkelvinchan / GLEAN

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Bad Test Result #7

Closed HWalkingMan closed 2 years ago

HWalkingMan commented 2 years ago

Hi kelvin, I have tested the model (released on here) with Cat Test dataset, but I have obtained very poor test results. 00000800_007 At the same time, the metrics are also very unsatisfactory and far from the results given in the paper. Could you give me some suggestions? Should I train model again or try something else?

ckkelvinchan commented 2 years ago

How do you obtain the low-resolution images?

HWalkingMan commented 2 years ago

For train data, I downloaded zip file from (here from lsun) , and edited code from here to unzip mdb file and crop images. I used code from here (line:425-430) to crop images. Finally, I got 29343 HR images. Then, I used resize function supported by opencv-python to downsmaple image to 32px with bicubic.

For test data, I downloaded zip file from here, and selected the pictures whose names are in meta_info_Cat100_GT. Then, I used function from opencv-python to resize images and convert the file format. Finally, I got 100 HR image and 100 LR image in PNG format.

ckkelvinchan commented 2 years ago

The released model is for images downsampled by the MATLAB imresize function. Therefore, if you want to use the pre-trained model, please downsample the images with MATLAB. Otherwise, you can retrain the model using the degradation you want.

youngAt19 commented 2 years ago

@HWalkingMan Hi, I tried all the steps without opencv-resizing as what you did, but the train data looks so weird. Many images contain unrelated contents. Have you ever encouter this problem?? @ckkelvinchan Do you use the crop codes likes here(line:425-430) when processing the LSUN-CAT? 0548834473312216924342864fc6b3128e9e1353 020416740886208102de575ce86466a6efa93722 02039055972591998c7ec90839128609dce17b27

ckkelvinchan commented 2 years ago

We directly use imresize to generate the training data, as we want to make sure that the main object is not cropped out.

But it is true that the aspect ratio could be modified. Someone would first center crop with size s x s, where s is the length of the shorter edge, and resize it to the desired size.

youngAt19 commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot! I'll try it.