Hi! Really enjoying this platform and it's been a great way to learn more about ActivityPub.
When someone replies to my bookmark post, I noticed I wasn't getting any comments in the approval section. In fact, they weren't getting added at all.
No one else has mentioned this, but I've searched through other postmarkie sites and I don't see any publicly approved comments, at least.
After some debugging, I found that the ActvitiyPub inbox received the replies, but it was returning the response “couldn't find a bookmark this message is related to”.
This is what I found.
In the ActivityPub SqlLite database, the Guids were getting saved with the "m/" part of the url path along with the Guid in the messages.guid column. For example, m/ebff578a49b2095e94e8aa64c4c5d347
When a new comment comes in, it wasn't looking for the "m/" part and therefore failing to find the related post and get attached to.
It came down to this regex pattern in the src/activitypub.js file. When I updated it, new bookmarks now get saved excluding the “m/“, and the replies are matching to an entry and applied correctly. Below is the updated version.
Hi! Really enjoying this platform and it's been a great way to learn more about ActivityPub.
When someone replies to my bookmark post, I noticed I wasn't getting any comments in the approval section. In fact, they weren't getting added at all.
No one else has mentioned this, but I've searched through other postmarkie sites and I don't see any publicly approved comments, at least.
After some debugging, I found that the ActvitiyPub inbox received the replies, but it was returning the response “
couldn't find a bookmark this message is related to
”.This is what I found.
In the ActivityPub SqlLite database, the Guids were getting saved with the "m/" part of the url path along with the Guid in the messages.guid column. For example,
When a new comment comes in, it wasn't looking for the "m/" part and therefore failing to find the related post and get attached to.
It came down to this regex pattern in the src/activitypub.js file. When I updated it, new bookmarks now get saved excluding the “m/“, and the replies are matching to an entry and applied correctly. Below is the updated version.
The updated version:
I've made this change and will attach this issue to the pull request.