ckolderup / postmarks

a single-user bookmarking website designed to live on the Fediverse
MIT License
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Simple search support #97

Closed steve-bate closed 10 months ago

steve-bate commented 10 months ago

This adds a very simple search capability. It searches for keywords in the title, description, url, and tags columns. It's no ElasticSearch, but it also doesn't require any external services. I'd expect it to scale reasonably for relatively small bookmark sets (< 1000), but I haven't done any scalability testing. It's been useful for my purposes.

cadeef commented 10 months ago

It may be worth investigating SQLite's FTS as an alternative to this approach. FTS provides full text search of specified columns via a virtual table, is quite performant, and has been shipped with SQLite's default build since 2015.

ckolderup commented 10 months ago

Unfortunately Glitch's sqlite is pretty ancient:

$ sqlite -version

so I think we'll go with Steve's approach for now, but we're getting a big round of upgrades across the project container at the same time as the Node upgrade work referenced in #70. I'll open an issue and mark it as blocked so that we can revisit it later!