ckruse / microformats2-elixir

Microformats2 parser in Elixir
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Use More Specific `h-${prop}` matching #3

Closed jalcine closed 5 years ago

jalcine commented 5 years ago

I use a CSS framework that makes use of the h- prefix for heights. Currently, this is breaking my use of this library when attempting to look for h-entry or h-cite information on a page.

<div class="w-100 mt1 mt3-l cb pv2 flex flex-grow flex-auto flex-column content-stretch">
  <article class="w-100 h-entry mt1 mt3-l pa2 flex flex-grow flex-auto flex-column content-stretch justify-center items-center">
<div class="flex flex-column flex-auto flex-grow w-100">
  <div class="mw7 w-100 center">
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      <a target="_new" class="u-like-of h-cite v-mid fw5 underline link navy" href="">      </a>
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<div class="mw8 center w-100 order-2 items-end flex flex-wrap justify-around-m justify-between mt4-l mt2">
<div class="db bg-near-black mt4-s ma3-l self-start order-1 w-100 w-auto-ns self-stretch items-center sans-serif">
  <ul class="flex flex-column w-100 h-100 justify-center w-auto-l ba b--near-black relative-l left-1-l bottom-1-l self-end-l self-center ma0 pa3 f6 gray list lh-copy bg-dark-gray moon-gray">
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  <div class="w-100 w-auto-l order-3 order-2-l self-center mv3 mv4-m">
  <p class="dn-l lh-copy pa0 ma0 f6 gray">An uncategorized post.</p>

<div class="db bg-near-black mt3 mt0-m ma3-l self-start w-100 w-auto-ns order-2 order-3-l self-stretch items-center sans-serif">
  <ul class="flex flex-column w-100 h-100 justify-center w-auto-l relative-l left--1-l top--1-l self-end-l self-center ma0 pa2 f6 dark-gray list lh-copy bg-lightest-blue near-black ba b--mid-gray">
    <li class="lh-copy">
      <time class="fw5 dt-published" title="2018-12-19T00:19:04.410503Z" datetime="2018-12-19T00:19:04.410503Z">
7 minutes      </time>
    <li class="lh-copy mt1">
      <time class="fw5 dt-updated" title="2018-12-19 00:19:04.406330" datetime="2018-12-19 00:19:04.406330">
7 minutes      </time>
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like        post
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        <img class="v-mid u-photo br-100 h1 w1 b--near-black" src="http://localhost:9000/koype-dev/photos/floating/original_self-portrait.jpg" />
        <span class="v-mid">Jacky Alciné</span>
  <div class="w-100 order-4 self-end bt b--moon-gray">
  <h3 class="f3 ttu fw3 tracked lh-title">
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    Here's what people had to say about this like. Want to join in?
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The output (in JSON):

{"items":[{"children":[{"children":[{"properties":{"name":["0 Reposts0 Replies0 Likes0 Mentions8 Syndications"]},"type":["h-100"]},{"properties":{"author":[{"properties":{"name":["http://localhost:9000/koype-dev/photos/floating/original_self-portrait.jpgJacky Alciné"],"photo":["http://localhost:9000/koype-dev/photos/floating/original_self-portrait.jpg"],"url":[""]},"type":["h-card"],"value":""}],"name":["published\n      \nhalf a minute      \n      updated\n      \nhalf a minute      \n        a\n        \nlike        post\n      Permalinkbyhttp://localhost:9000/koype-dev/photos/floating/original_self-portrait.jpgJacky Alciné"],"published":["2018-12-19T00:19:04.410503Z"],"uid":[""],"updated":["2018-12-19 00:19:04.406330"],"url":[""]},"type":["h-100"]}],"properties":{"like_of":[{"properties":{"name":[""],"url":[""]},"type":["h-cite"],"value":""}],"name":["LikedLiked\"],"summary":["LikedLiked\"]},"type":["h-entry"]}],"properties":{"name":["LikedLiked\      67efebc0.ngrok.io0 Reposts0 Replies0 Likes0 Mentions8 SyndicationsAn uncategorized post.\n      published\n      \nhalf a minute      \n      updated\n      \nhalf a minute      \n        a\n        \nlike        post\n      Permalinkbyhttp://localhost:9000/koype-dev/photos/floating/original_self-portrait.jpgJacky AlcinéResponses\n    Here's what people had to say about this like. Want to join in?\n    Learn how."]},"type":["h-100"]},{"properties":{"name":["Jacky Alciné"],"note":["Ayeeeeeeeeeeeeee"],"photo":["http://localhost:9000/koype-dev/photos/floating/original_self-portrait.jpg"],"url":[""]},"type":["h-card"]}],"rel_urls":{"":{"rels":["author","me","authn"],"text":"Jacky Alciné"},"":{"rels":["me"],"text":"Jacky Alciné"},"":{"rels":["micropub"]},"":{"rels":["media_endpoint"]},"":{"rels":["token_endpoint"]},"":{"rels":["webmention"]},"":{"rels":["stylesheet"]},"":{"rels":["stylesheet"]},"":{"rels":["icon"],"type":"image/png"},"":{"rels":["authorization_endpoint"]},"":{"rels":["bookmark","canonical"]},"":{"rels":["me"]}},"rels":{"authn":[""],"author":[""],"authorization_endpoint":[""],"bookmark":[""],"canonical":[""],"icon":[""],"me":["","",""],"media_endpoint":[""],"micropub":[""],"stylesheet":["",""],"token_endpoint":[""],"webmention":[""]}}
jalcine commented 5 years ago

A fixed list of known h- types and passively allowin h-x properties could work.

ckruse commented 5 years ago

Hm yeah, I see the problem. I will have a look at this tonight, in Europe the work day just started :-)

sknebel commented 5 years ago

There's specific rules what names are allowed to look like (quoted from end of

The "*" for root (and property) class names consists of an optional vendor prefix (series of 1+ number or lowercase a-z characters i.e. [0-9a-z]+, followed by -), then one or more - separated lowercase a-z words.

Please do not hardcode a list of supported types or property names.

jalcine commented 5 years ago

Ooh didn't know that - thanks for that update @sknebel!

jalcine commented 5 years ago

Well, that specification would still parse h-100 and the likes as microformat information; which it isn't.

jalcine commented 5 years ago

So it'd be up to the user to ignore these things, it seems.

jalcine commented 5 years ago

Ah okay so from IRC:

There's a bit of clarification: should be a test something like h(<vendor-prefix>)-(type) such that vendor prefix can be an alphanumeric string but the type can only be letters