ckulka / baikal-docker

Provides a ready-to-go Baikal server, incl. docker-compose.yml & Systemd service file
MIT License
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Update to Baikal 0.7.0 #22

Closed n-rodriguez closed 4 years ago

n-rodriguez commented 4 years ago


Do you have plans to update the images to the latest baikal release 0.7.0?

Looking forward to it

ckulka commented 4 years ago

Hi @n-rodriguez,

I just pushed an update to Baikal 0.7.0 and PHP 7.4 to ckulka/baikal:experimental, ckulka/baikal:experimental-apache and ckulka/baikal:experimental-nginx.

Since I no longer run Baikal, could you please give it a run and see if it works for you?

If it does't, I'll create the 0.7.0 Docker images and push them to latest as well.

BobWs commented 4 years ago


Do you have plans to update the images to the latest baikal release 0.7.0?

Looking forward to it

Did you by any chance installed the updated image? So is it working for you? I would like to update mine as well to the latest, but I don't want to mess up the stable setup that is running now in a production environment.

Could you please share your experience?

ckulka commented 4 years ago

Hi @BobWs,

I hope you meant @n-rodriguez - I unfortunately cannot test it myself because I don't have an instance that's currently up and running.

We could set up a Google Hangouts/Slack/whatever to do it together on Thursday or next weekend though.

BobWs commented 4 years ago

Hi @BobWs,

I hope you meant @n-rodriguez - I unfortunately cannot test it myself because I don't have an instance that's currently up and running.

We could set up a Google Hangouts/Slack/whatever to do it together on Thursday or next weekend though.

Yes sorry I was talking to @n-rodriguez. But if you need someone to test the experimental image I could help. I have a VM docker were I’m able to do some testing.

n-rodriguez commented 4 years ago

@ckulka it seems that the image upgrade has failed :

root@cloud:/data/www/baikal docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
0ebdac237137        ckulka/baikal:experimental-nginx   "/bin/sh -c '/etc/in…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>80/tcp   calendar-exp.service
root@cloud:/data/www/baikal docker-enter 0ebdac237137
root@calendar:/# grep BAIKAL_VERSION /var/www/baikal/Core/Distrib.php 
define("BAIKAL_VERSION", "0.6.1");
BobWs commented 4 years ago

@ckulka it seems that the image upgrade has failed :

root@cloud:/data/www/baikal docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                              COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                  NAMES
0ebdac237137        ckulka/baikal:experimental-nginx   "/bin/sh -c '/etc/in…"   4 minutes ago       Up 4 minutes>80/tcp   calendar-exp.service
root@cloud:/data/www/baikal docker-enter 0ebdac237137
root@calendar:/# grep BAIKAL_VERSION /var/www/baikal/Core/Distrib.php 
define("BAIKAL_VERSION", "0.6.1");

Did you specify and mount the config folder? That is new in 7.0

I have test ckulka/baikal:experimental-apache and it is working fine for me!

BobWs commented 4 years ago

I can confirm that ckulka/baikal:experimental-apache is working for me. If you push the official images I can give it another testrun!

n-rodriguez commented 4 years ago


Did you specify and mount the config folder? That is new in 7.0



docker run --name "calendar-exp.service" \
    --privileged=true \
    -h "calendar" \
    -v "$(pwd)/config":"/var/www/baikal/Specific" \
    -p "8800:80" \
    -d "ckulka/baikal:experimental-nginx"
n-rodriguez commented 4 years ago

But I still don't understand why the version is wrong within the container :

root@calendar:/# grep BAIKAL_VERSION /var/www/baikal/Core/Distrib.php 
define("BAIKAL_VERSION", "0.6.1");
BobWs commented 4 years ago

@n-rodriguez Did you run the installer after updating your image? After updating the container you need to login on the Baikal adminwebpage and finish the installation.

Also you need to specify the config folder --volume /volume1/docker/baikal/config:/var/www/baikal/config/ \

This is my setup maybe it could help you solve your problem!

docker pull ckulka/baikal:experimental-apache
docker stop baikal
docker rm baikal
docker run -it \
 --name baikal \
 --volume /volume1/docker/baikal/Specific:/var/www/baikal/Specific/ \
 --volume /volume1/docker/baikal/config:/var/www/baikal/config/ \
 --volume /volume1/documents/ssl/privkey.pem:/etc/ssl/private/baikal.private.pem:ro \
 --volume /volume1/documents/ssl/cert.pem:/etc/ssl/private/baikal.public.pem:ro \
 --volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
 --volume /etc/TZ:/etc/timezone:ro \
 -p 8008:80 -p 8443:443 \
 --link mariadb:baikal-db \
 --env TZ='your/timezone' \
 --restart always ckulka/baikal:experimental-apache
barskern commented 4 years ago

I have the same problem as @n-rodriguez. It seems like the experimental-nginx is not updated on docker hub (it was last updated 2 months ago).


ckulka commented 4 years ago

Sorry, oversight on my part: the nginx builds failed and didn't notice it. I fixed the issue (and it also published it now on Docker Hub).

Can you please give it another try?

One potential issue are the file permissions of /var/www/baikal/config when mounted into the container. I might add a chmod on container start (same as the Specific folder) before releasing it as latest.

n-rodriguez commented 4 years ago

Can you please give it another try?

It works! The migration went fine :) Thank you!

ckulka commented 4 years ago

Thanks everyone for testing!

I've created the 0.7.0 tag and Docker Hub is now building it. It will take a few hours, my guess is around 3h.

n-rodriguez commented 4 years ago

@ckulka thank you!