ckusellagussin / UntitledOwlGame

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Owls #3

Open ckusellagussin opened 4 years ago

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Owls can turn their head in any direction but can not move their eyes so have to turn their head all the way to look where they are going. Owls can also takeoff and fly almost silently due to the edges in their feathers which allow them to not be heard. Owls will bob their head so they can maximise depth perception so they can view objects without losing focus on what is in front of them. For Owls to eat, Owls will rip shreds off their prey to kill it and make it easier to swallow. They will then regurgitate any bones and non-nutricious part. Owls take around one year to reach mating maturity and around 6-8 weeks until they have feathers to fly even though they do not know how to fly. It takes around 80 days for an owlette to finally hunt their first prey.

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago Facts about Owls

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago Facts about Owls

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago Owl hunting Gofer