ckusellagussin / UntitledOwlGame

This is for the Interactive systems project!
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21/11: Formative Feedback from Demo or Die and Personal Thoughts #33

Open ckusellagussin opened 4 years ago

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

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ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Personal Thoughts on Demo and Die Session: Q1: It seemed I messed up on changing a bit of the code as I changed the direction and position of the owl which messed up the control scheme which meant the owl went backward instead of forward. As of this message, the owl goes forward instead of backward now with the position changes.

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Q2: Unfortunatley, People did not know the control scheme because when I put it on a split-screen along with the questionare...Someone had closed it so people had to learn what to do from intuition. Responses were majority negative because of the confusuion with the owl going backward but even with the confusion. The Owl can go forward if it's turned around and the people who found out what to do did it in 15 seconds. Again, the problem is now fixed and with the next demo or die I will be sure to write down the control scheme on paper so it doesn't get closed down.

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Q3: This one surprised me a bit because when the player right clicks, the Owl is always facing the direction of the camera's target area and this also makes it less floaty as the free-look camera was much sharper than the Q and E directions.

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Q4: For this question, It seems I have to match up the answers with what the choice was. I think the majority of the people said for Q + E that it was much smoother and natural than the mouse look. Someone also said that Q and E was muscle memory for them so it was better than right click hold. For the right click, a few people said that this would be better if it was tuned more. The right click hold was a bit rough when turning but also too fast. I personally think I will make the right click the main rotation for the owl when I have perfected its control and then use Q and E to make the Owl do spins.

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Q5: I added this question to see if I could get any new ideas that I hadn't thought of yet. I had pretty much thought of all of these ideas before though so it's good to see I am heading into the right direction. Only new idea was using branches to restore energy, I was going to use branches anyway but who says I can't use branches for more than one purpose.

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Q6: For some reason, only 8 people answered this question compared to the 10 that answered question 10. 5 of them said it was quite confusing which is understandable and I wish the control scheme was still showing at the time and the owl was facing the right direction for the mechanic to work. 1 person said it felt natural but was too slow and the other said they worked well. Fortunatley, I know that even with the two avoidable issues, the flying mechanic is far from perfect.

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Q7: Most of the answers were positive and I'm glad to see that, One person said I should show off more projects which would be cool if they weren't all hot trash but in a way it could show off the amount of progress I have made.

ckusellagussin commented 4 years ago

Q8: The main issue here was my website has ads which I did not want at all. It's a blogspot website so I have to get premium to take them off. Just need to find a way to move the website from blogspot to an actual website.