cl0rm / eiscp_bridge

add WiFi Control to older onkyo AVRs. Converts the RS-232 protocol into onkyo's own Ethernet protocol.
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Serial Bridge eISCP no connection #1

Open mjiines opened 6 months ago

mjiines commented 6 months ago

This project likely is exactly what I am looking for. I will have to order the MAX3232 Breakout board, though, as I don't have one right now to test this.


I got the MAX3232 Board today to test this out. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any connection to the AVR. If I look in the Live Firewall Logs, it also does not seem to send any packets back (answer). The ESP just gets the 60128 packets and nothing comes of it.

I would go into this further if I had an oscilloscope to verify if data is actually transmitted on the rs232 port.

Maybe there is a need to "activate" the RS232 Port on the AVR itself? (I didn't find any reference to that) Or maybe it's something else all together. At this point I fear, without actually looking at this interface with a Scope, there is nothing I can do to verify if it even works.

ManiacDC commented 2 months ago

@mjiines you can hook up to a serial port on a PC and open it using an application that monitors a com port for incoming data to see if it's working. Another tricky point is there are both straight through and null modem cables. You need a null modem cable to hook up to your AVR, but you'd need the opposite (straight through) to hook up to another COM port.

cl0rm commented 2 months ago

Is this still relevant? I'm sorry I haven't looked earlier into this. I must have overseen the issue. One way to test if it is working would be to modify the code so the D1 LED blinks if it receives a valid packet. For me this works excellent, I have it in active use since I created this repo.

Edit: Which receiver do you have? It should work out of the box, the RS232 Port should always be active. Just to be sure however I would start testing with the AVR Powered up. Maybe in newer models they have implemented more agressive power management and disable the COM while in standby (I hope not).

Edit2: Also look that your MAX232 breakout is wired correctly. Most are wired as a "device side" (DCE) port, and need a null modem cable PCs (and maybe some MAX232 breakouts??) are wire as DTE "PC Side" and require a 1-1 cable.

To check if it sends the correct packets, you could hook up a cheap FTDI/WCH TTL->USB stick to the D1/D2 Pins and open a terminal (like hTerm) to see if Tx is active as soon as you send a network command to the WeMos Board.