cl21 / cl21

Common Lisp in the 21st Century.
The Unlicense
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API stability classification #47

Open guicho271828 opened 10 years ago

guicho271828 commented 10 years ago

As in node.js . Not saying we copy should them entirely, but it is worth consideration.

Below is what is on node.js documentation:

Throughout the documentation, you will see indications of a section's stability. The Node.js API is still somewhat changing, and as it matures, certain parts are more reliable than others. Some are so proven, and so relied upon, that they are unlikely to ever change at all. Others are brand new and experimental, or known to be hazardous and in the process of being redesigned.

The stability indices are as follows:

Stability: 0 - Deprecated This feature is known to be problematic, and changes are planned. Do not rely on it. Use of the feature may cause warnings. Backwards compatibility should not be expected.

Stability: 1 - Experimental This feature was introduced recently, and may change or be removed in future versions. Please try it out and provide feedback. If it addresses a use-case that is important to you, tell the node core team.

Stability: 2 - Unstable The API is in the process of settling, but has not yet had sufficient real-world testing to be considered stable. Backwards-compatibility will be maintained if reasonable.

Stability: 3 - Stable The API has proven satisfactory, but cleanup in the underlying code may cause minor changes. Backwards-compatibility is guaranteed.

Stability: 4 - API Frozen This API has been tested extensively in production and is unlikely to ever have to change.

Stability: 5 - Locked Unless serious bugs are found, this code will not ever change. Please do not suggest changes in this area; they will be refused.

fukamachi commented 10 years ago

Sounds good. It seems good for gradual progress. I think all CL21 features are still less than "Stability: 1", though.