Please use instead of this repository. A tool to flash atheros-based routers, git copy of
it seems like your git repository is using different commit ids (and incorrect author information) than the "official" one at and is outdated. Just to the history of the repository (starting with the OpenMesh repo):
The version now served here is outdated and doesn't contain many of the newer HW models. It would therefore be awesome to get this repository in sync with the central ap51-flash repository. But I would propose not to throw all of your commits away because some of the repositories on github are actually using specific commit ids of your repository. My suggestion:
it seems like your git repository is using different commit ids (and incorrect author information) than the "official" one at and is outdated. Just to the history of the repository (starting with the OpenMesh repo):
The version now served here is outdated and doesn't contain many of the newer HW models. It would therefore be awesome to get this repository in sync with the central ap51-flash repository. But I would propose not to throw all of your commits away because some of the repositories on github are actually using specific commit ids of your repository. My suggestion: