clEsperanto / clesperantoj_prototype

A Java Wrapper around CLIc / clesperanto
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Embed within scijava-ops #31

Open tinevez opened 1 month ago

tinevez commented 1 month ago

There is a new version of Ops by the Eliceiri/LOCI lab:

The Ops library aims at being an extensible collection of image processing algorithms. It is built so that it can wrap or include 3rd party libraries within a centralized syntax, and offer a 'matching' mechanism that finds the best algorithm given the user inputs. The goal and philosophy is summarized in the wiki for the old version of ops:

Could clEsperantoJ be a backend for ops? It would grant ops with GPU accelerated processing, and give clEsperanto more reach.

haesleinhuepf commented 1 month ago

Yes, that would technically work! We had a clij-ops integration, which was mostly generated code btw. It was abandoned (and thus, there was no clij2-ops integration) because nobody was using it and nobody had the time to maintain it.

tinevez commented 1 month ago

Let's discuss when we have a first fully working IJ version?