Seeing as there is no build log it is difficult to know where to begin searching for an error. Additionally, I cannot seem to find what error -9999 refers to.
If there is no build log and you do not know error 0999 referring to? Then how do you know it is Daxpy_kernel failing? Why do you put this kernel here.
I have been using clBLAS for about a month and have never had this issue until today:
AN INTERNAL KERNEL BUILD ERROR OCCURRED! device name = GeForce GT 730M error = -9999 memory pattern = Register accumulation based swap, computing kernel generator Subproblem dimensions: dims[0].itemY = 32, dims[0].itemX = 32, dims[0].y = 32, dims[0].x = 32, dims[0].bwidth = 4; ; dims[1].itemY = 4, dims[1].itemX = 4, dims[1].y = 4, dims[1].x = 4, dims[1].bwidth = 4; ; Parallelism granularity: pgran->wgDim = 1, pgran->wgSize[0] = 64, pgran->wgSize[1] = 1, pgran->wfSize = 64 Kernel extra flags: 26784 Source:
kernel void Daxpy_kernel( double alpha, __global double *_X, global double _Y, uint N, uint offx, int incx, uint offy, int incy ) { __global double X = _X + offx; __global double *Y = _Y + offy;
(Y + (gOffset incy))[0 + ( incy 1)] = vReg2.S1; ;
Build log:
Seeing as there is no build log it is difficult to know where to begin searching for an error. Additionally, I cannot seem to find what error -9999 refers to.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!