clab / lstm-parser

Transition-based dependency parser based on stack LSTMs
Apache License 2.0
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train arguments are not correct please fix (for easy-to-use version) #19

Closed giddyyupp closed 7 years ago

giddyyupp commented 7 years ago

this argument is not correct. not only incorrrect but also does nothing. you have no flag "pretrained_dim" at all. parser/lstm-parse -T trainingOracle.txt -d devOracle.txt --hidden_dim 100 --lstm_input_dim 100 -w sskip.100.vectors --pretrained_dim 100 --rel_dim 20 --action_dim 20 -t -P

for interested users if you want to train you should supply this command. "-r" flag starts training. build/parser/lstm-parse -t trainingOracle.txt -d devOracle.txt --hidden_dim 100 --lstm_input_dim 100 -w sskip.100.vectors --rel_dim 20 --action_dim 20 -P -r

miguelballesteros commented 7 years ago

For the master branch, thats the size of the pretrained embeddings. Default is 50, and in your example you should have 100 since the sskip.100 are of size 100.

For the easy to use branch, @duncanka should br the one to answer

giddyyupp commented 7 years ago

yes for the master branch everything works fine. for easy-to-use there is no such option, and i hope default is 100.

duncanka commented 7 years ago

The easy to use branch determines the vector size from the embeddings file. The command line argument is not necessary.

Apologies for not updating that part of the README. The command should now be correct.