clafonta / Mockey

Mockey is a tool for testing application interactions over http, with a focus on testing web services, specifically web or native applications that consume XML, JSON, and HTML. Mockey's purpose is to be a simple front end to writing mock-test-responses to the file system for persistence to git.
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Example proxy service? #114

Open githubguysp opened 3 years ago

githubguysp commented 3 years ago


Maybe I dont understand well the Proxy option for the Mockey config.

Static - Return a fixed response Dynamic - Return dinamyc response Proxy - Can I add the real mock URL and make mockey like a intermediate system?

In this case, can I point my dev app to mockey endpoints (mockey endpoints to real endpoints) and when I want use real responses enable Proxy option and when I can use mock responses use Static or Dynamyc? I not sure if this option really works on this way, possibly by a language barrier.