claird / PyPDF4

A utility to read and write PDFs with Python
328 stars 61 forks source link

Create newer release for PyPI? #85

Open mtgeekman opened 4 years ago

mtgeekman commented 4 years ago

The current project "Release" was done in August of 2018. About time for a new release so people using PyPI can install a newer version from there?

HavardLine commented 3 years ago

Hi There

What seems to be the showstopper for a new release now?

Does anyone know a good example of automated PyPi deployment?

Best regards Håvard

jayvdb commented 3 years ago ( has got a release out. But note that is doesnt contain tags and the sdist doesnt contain tests.

dcmvdbekerom commented 3 years ago


My package pypdfplot depends on PyPDF4. I'm running in quite a few problems because the GitHub version of PyPDF4 is so much different from the one on PyPI. Are there any plans for a new release on PyPI soon? Need any help?


HavardLine commented 3 years ago

Hi @dcmvdbekerom

I had a look at today. Seems to me like PyPDF3 is the fork with most velocity. PyPDF3 did what I want. PyPDF4 did not.



Why the community has forked from pyPdf and PyPDF2 I do not know.

Regards Håvard