Name: Search recipe database by category
Actor(s): User
Description: Search recipe database by categories of food
Preconditions: Entered the search option and select a category of food
Basic Flow: The user selects the category of food and then searches the category
Alternate Flows: The category does not exist and an error message is printed
Postconditions: The user can now view recipes stored under that category
User Story 4: As a user, I want to search for recipes by categories so that I can quickly find a specific type of recipe.
Feature 4: Search Recipes by Categories
• Scenario 1: User searches for recipes by a specific category
o Given the user is on the recipe search page
o When the user selects the “Breakfast” category
o Then the system displays all breakfast recipes available in the database
• Scenario 2: No recipes found for a category
o Given the user is on the recipe search page
o When the user enters the “Vegan Desserts” Category and no recipes are available
o Then the system displays a message stating, “No recipes found”
• Scenario 3: User folders recipes by multiple categories
o Given the user is on the recipe search page
o When the user selects both “Lunch” and “Vegetarian” categories
o Then the system displays recipes that fall under both “Lunch” and “Vegetarian” categories
I have added this functionality to our project. You can find it in the new branch 'SearchByCategoryAndSearchByIngredients'. The user can now use the filter to filter available recipes by category.
Name: Search recipe database by category Actor(s): User Description: Search recipe database by categories of food Preconditions: Entered the search option and select a category of food Basic Flow: The user selects the category of food and then searches the category Alternate Flows: The category does not exist and an error message is printed Postconditions: The user can now view recipes stored under that category
User Story 4: As a user, I want to search for recipes by categories so that I can quickly find a specific type of recipe.
Feature 4: Search Recipes by Categories • Scenario 1: User searches for recipes by a specific category o Given the user is on the recipe search page o When the user selects the “Breakfast” category o Then the system displays all breakfast recipes available in the database • Scenario 2: No recipes found for a category o Given the user is on the recipe search page o When the user enters the “Vegan Desserts” Category and no recipes are available o Then the system displays a message stating, “No recipes found” • Scenario 3: User folders recipes by multiple categories o Given the user is on the recipe search page o When the user selects both “Lunch” and “Vegetarian” categories o Then the system displays recipes that fall under both “Lunch” and “Vegetarian” categories