claire12209 / RecipeBook

CPT_S 322 Project
Apache License 2.0
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Recipe Reviews #7

Open claire12209 opened 1 month ago

claire12209 commented 1 month ago

Name: Leave recipe reviews Actor(s): User Description: leave star rating and comment on recipes Preconditions: selected recipe to review Basic Flow: The user clicks the star corresponding to the rating, and then is able to leave a comment below the recipe Alternate Flows: If the user has already left a review before, ask if they want to review it again. Postconditions: The user has now left a review that is publicly viewable and linked to their account.

User Story 7: As a user, I want to leave reviews for recipes so that I can share my experience and help other users decide if they want to try the recipe.

Feature 7: Leave Reviews for Recipes • Scenario 1: User successfully leaves a review for a recipe o Given the user is logged in and viewing a recipe o When the user clicks the “Leave Review” button and submits a review o Then the system adds the review to the recipe’s review section • Scenario 2: User edits their review o Given the user has already left a review for a recipe o When the user clicks the “Edit Review” button and submits changes o Then the system updates the user’s review with the new content • Scenario 3: User deletes their review o Given the user has already left a review for a recipe o When the user clicks the “Delete Review” button o Then the system removes the user’s review from the recipe’s review section

kaitlyncornish01 commented 6 hours ago

I have rating working and it is pushed to branch 'ReviewsAndRatings'.